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KB Search Results - UX Journey Maps #19892

Open MDomngz opened 1 week ago

MDomngz commented 1 week ago

User Story or Problem Statement

The editor wants to locate applicable Knowledge Base articles to achieve the goal of task completion.

Description or Additional Context

The editor's current inability to do this is causing them to abandon their journey and either seek support from the Help Desk or request support from their peers. Enabling users to find what they are looking for would deliver higher satisfaction measurements for the organization.

Steps for Implementation

  1. Audit the UX journey for top keyword searches, find out what the editor views when they search
  2. using Mural, map out the ux journey for editors
  3. Determine the value of the search results, documenting weaknesses and possible changes to improve results
  4. Tagging each result with “acceptable, not-really, definitely not, and dead-end”
  5. Outline suggestions to help the search results closer match the search intent
  6. Continue to monitor the findings for continuous learnings.
MDomngz commented 1 week ago

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