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[PM, DA] 10-10EZ - Improvement: Evaluate new GA event for unsigned in 1010EZ form progress #41570

Open batemapf opened 2 years ago

batemapf commented 2 years ago

(This is definitely low priority)

Context: Trying to completely understand 1010EZ usage breakdown between users who sign in for pre-fills vs. users who continue without signing in. As far as I can tell, there is no unique event for someone clicking the "continue without signing in". You can get at the data by evaluating unique pageviews of health-care/apply/application/id-form (available on the dashboard, but would be easier for evaluation purposes if we were tracking usage via events instead of pageviews.

Story: As a person evaluating 1010EZ user flows, I'd like to be able to easily compare metrics for users who sign in and complete the form vs. users who do not sign in and complete the form, so I can consider changes to the initial part of the form flow.

hdjustice commented 1 year ago

same as note from #51633 meeting 1/30/2023 - test hypothesis that users will have a better experience when logged in to 10-10EZ. Historically, ~3 of 10 fail log in process. Looking to understand landscape there, and whether it is clear that signing in doesn't have market value for completing the form. Let's get the data & do the analysis. Event tracking may have this data.

hdjustice commented 1 month ago

There is an event tag no-login-start-form on the "continue without signing in" link located at the bottom of the EZ Intro page.
Here is the GA4 exploration showing all the "start" events

Month # Event instances # of unique users
July 4,521 3,982
August 4,365 3,726
September 3,832 3,313
hdjustice commented 1 month ago

@luis-simauchi - in case this sparks an interest. This ticket was created a couple years ago, and while cleaning up our tickets, I rediscovered it. I looked up the events (with Matt's help) and got some neat info. While there are quite a few folks who click the 'without signing in" link, the unique user count makes up of about 20% of total users who start the form.