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Payment history is showing incorrect/misleading #44579

Open mattpointzxer0 opened 2 years ago

mattpointzxer0 commented 2 years ago

Current behavior

A Veteran is reporting a payment is showing as returned in his payment history display ( However the payment was not returned, it was only traced by our finance center. I assume has some [incorrect] rules on how to identify [traced] payments which is causing this to erroneously display as though it were returned when in fact it was not. This problem could be very wide spread if all traced payments are also showing as returned, which will create customer service issues if Veterans are demanding payments be reissued when they should not be.

Expected behavior

The "payments returned" section on only displays payments that were in fact returned, not any that may have had administrative actions taken on them by the financial center (VA) or the Veteran themselves, i.e., payments which are "traced" by the financial center don't show up as "returned".

cohnjesse commented 2 years ago

@mattpointzxer0 For View Payments we are simply displaying data that comes back from BGS, we do not have any rules in place for processing the data. If there is an issue with the data then we need to have the team responsible for BGS take a look at this. Not sure who we should bring in from that team to take a peek?

mattpointzxer0 commented 2 years ago

Ah so we're not filtering payments into our received and returned lists based on a state or anything? @cohnjesse

cohnjesse commented 2 years ago

@mattpointzxer0 Oh I see what you mean, I misunderstood, yes we are filtering the payments to show them in the two different lists. It looks like we pull any payments that that a check_trace_number and put them into the returned payments. Sounds like that is incorrect?

mattpointzxer0 commented 2 years ago

Yeap, sounds like it might be. Made contact w/BGS (John Dell) and we agreed to meet next week to tease this apart. I'll get an invite over to you. Thx @cohnjesse appreciate your assistance!

sortizsh commented 2 years ago

hey @mattpointzxer0 any updates on this on your end?