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Staging Review finding: Icon on map image not actually a button, not focusable. #87426

Open shiragoodman opened 2 months ago

shiragoodman commented 2 months ago

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Product Information

Team: Sitewide Facilities Product: VBA Regional Offices Feature: Site Modernization

Findings details Experience Standard - issue: User experiences an unexpected interaction with a component or pattern. Experience Standard - category: Usability Launch-blocking: No Design System review: No Collab Cycle Reviewer: @briandeconinck (Accessibility)


In the "Location and contact information" section, the image of a map has a zoom_out_map icon overlayed on top of it, styled to look like a button (including hover state). However:

This doesn't match with user expectations (clicking does something unexpected), and might frustrate keyboard-only users who may believe there's some additional functionality that they can't get to.

Recommended action

I would recommend harmonizing with ongoing work for the Vet Centers template, which recommends removing the icon. I don't think it adds much value here.


Next Steps for the VFS Team

jilladams commented 1 month ago

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