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Create a strategy for how team can make Contact Center data more actionable #94051

Closed pacerwow closed 3 days ago

pacerwow commented 1 week ago

Issue Description

As a Researcher I want our team to have an aligned strategy for how we'll gather, process, and understand Contact Center data in a way that is less manual so it takes less time to analyze.


526 & Veteran Support Data

Historically, UX has relied on Medallia survey data for 526ez health checks and is currently using it to look for usability issues and other pain points with the new feature during the Toxic Exposure release.

While Medallia can provide invaluable insight into how Veterans are completing the form in real time, feedback is limited and is not easily accessible to AT users. One of the surveys, the Intercept, is not optimized, as OCTO is currently working to improve it across products.

Benefits to adding MyVA411 data to TREX toolkit

MyVA411 data, which comes from VEO Tier 1 contact centers, however, provide another data stream of user feedback that we can use to evaluate form health and monitor releases. Pros of adding MyVA411 data:

Veteran Impact

Overall, the benefits of understanding how to efficiently and effectively review MyVA411 data will benefit our team in the short and long term.

Short term

Relevant Tickets


Acceptance Criteria

Additional Information

The Contact Center stores a large volume of rich data that helps VA understand Veteran concerns, issues, and pain points. However, Platform documentation on data mining, cleaning, exploration, and exploring is light on details. We know that VA teams are hungry for data and we believe that by improving our own process and contributing what we learned back to the VA ecosystem, that all teams will benefit from what we've learned.

How to configure this issue

evelynhilbrichdavis commented 1 week ago

Megan Hicks is another useful resource, noted in refinement.

evelynhilbrichdavis commented 1 week ago

Working doc to collect all the moving parts:

evelynhilbrichdavis commented 1 week ago

Current contact list includes mix of slack thread/short sync with: Contact Center Team (reached out) Research-ops channel open question Heather Real, VEO CX Specialist (done) Conditions Team - scheduled for 10/6 3:30-4pm EST Megan Hicks, VRO Team - contacted to schedule Florence McCafferty - contacted Internal sync w/ TREX eng

evelynhilbrichdavis commented 4 days ago

@pacerwow this ticket is closed with a report posted to the Github Analytics folder as MyVA411 Discovery Write-up. .

Two activities remain coming out of this discovery.

  1. Set a meeting with Megan Hicks to discuss Streamlit.
  2. Have the Contact Center meeting (hard time scheduling it) to get answers on the possibility of upstream category creation.