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[a11y Support] CAIA - CodeSpace Review with Assistive Technology #94060

Open sara-amanda opened 1 week ago

sara-amanda commented 1 week ago

[!NOTE] QUICK SUMMARY: CodeSpace was mentioned as a testing environment during the Research, Design and Content weekly meeting on 9/30/2024. Platform recommends CodePen or Staging at this time. CAIA wants to test CodeSpace for Accessibility.

  • Past use case: CodeSpace was already running, click accept to bypass a login for Medical Records. No known issues encountered, per Riley.
  • Recent Backend AT Testing (Developer Side): The hardest part would be bypassing that and other barriers. Until you get to that point you have to use a lot of non-traditional keystrokes.
  • New AT Prototype Testing (User Side): Completed (see ticket comments)

Issue Description

Testing Environments & Assistive Technology

During the Research, Design and Content Sync on 9/30/2024, the team presenting, the Authenticated Experience: Design Patterns Team, mentioned that they used CodeSpace for testing the prototype, instead of CodePen.

Initial Review & Feedback

*CAIA would like to test a prototype with CodeSpace, so we took a gander, and here is our initial feedback:**

About the Team

Supporting Artifacts

### a11y Tasks
- [x] **Collaborate and discuss** CodeSpace testing with users of Assistive Tech
- [x] **Request prototype link** from Auth Exp Design Pattern Team [10/1/2024](
- [x] **Receive prototype link** from Auth Exp Design Pattern Team `Date TBD`
- [x] **a11y Support:** Test CodeSpace environment with Assistive Tech @mutiaadhocteam
- [x] **Document** how to best use CodeSpace for AT testing and/or consideration for users of AT when using CodeSpace
- [x] **Review** feedback and documentation and share with Martha
- [x] **Create ticket with Platform Content Team** `10/8/2024`  #94575
### Acceptance Criteria
- [x] CodeSpace is tested with AT (externally - as a developer) @mutiaadhocteam
- [x] CodeSpace is tested with AT (internally - as a user) @mutiaadhocteam
- [x] CodeSpace/AT documentation determination need is made (yes/no)
- [x] Martha has reviewed this work
- [x] **GitHub:** Update the [menu of services for accessibility]( to include CodeSpace @coformajamie
- [ ] **Platform Site** - Updates Completed: ref. ticket #94575 - @sara-amanda (Req. Opened Tix 10/8/2024) in Backlog ready for Platform Content Team's Review as of 10/9/2024
## Ticket Updates (CAIA Internal)
- [x] _Connect to an `Epic` or `Intake` (what body of work is this a part of?)_
- [x] _Label with `Originator/Team` (product team or stakeholder requesting support)_
- [x] _Label date in the `Open Date` field_
- [x] _Label with `Estimate` (level of effort expected for this ticket)_
- [x] _Add `Assignee(s)` name(s) to ticket_ (include Naomi)
- [x] _Add `Assignee(s) name(s) to each task` they will complete via handle tag (if known)_
- [x] _Select a `Priority Level`_
- [x] _Update date in `Last Checked` field_
- [ ] _Label with `Actual` (level of effort it took to complete this ticket)_
- [ ] _Update date in_ `Closed Date`
- [ ] Move from `Validate` to `Closed` Status (once acceptance criteria is met)
### Research Studies with CodeSpace Prototypes
- [ ] #90140
- [ ] #90780
- [ ]
sara-amanda commented 1 week ago

Added two study examples that used CodeSpace to this ticket for quick ref.

mutiaadhocteam commented 6 days ago

CodeSpace Testing - User Testing Side

How do we best use CodeSpace for AT testing?

What are other considerations for users of AT when using CodeSpace for testing?

mutiaadhocteam commented 6 days ago

CodeSpace Testing - Developer Side

What are the concerns of using CodeSpace with AT on the developer side?

While CodeSpace detects a screen reader, it is clunky when it switches between forms mode and browse mode, when reviewing what is on the screen. Meaning, that most typical screen reader keystrokes will not work. Keystrokes are what a screen reader user will be heavily reliant upon when navigating.


Typical screen reader keystrokes may not work until full-screen mode is enabled.

Awareness Note

sara-amanda commented 5 days ago

Next Steps: Ready for Martha

@artsymartha68 the findings above are ready for your review c/o @mutiaadhocteam who reviewed CodeSpace from both the user testing side and the developer side. Our questions for you and possible next steps, can be found below.

Menu of Services

Research Documentation

Developer Docs

artsymartha68 commented 5 days ago

Thank you so much for this thorough analysis and making it so easy for me to review! Let's move forward with updating all the documentation locations, that makes sense to me since there is a groundswell already building for the CodeSpaces option.

coforma-jamie commented 4 days ago

CAIA menu of services has been updated ✅

sara-amanda commented 4 days ago

Platform Site Updates

Updates as of 10/9/2024

Platform received our request for updates:

sara-amanda commented 4 days ago

CAIA Ticketing Process

@NaomiPMC - since this is a unique ticket, with a support ticket tied to it ...

Please advise.