derjust / spring-data-dynamodb

This module deals with enhanced support for a data access layer built on AWS DynamoDB.
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Is sorting supported? #99

Open astetsa opened 6 years ago

astetsa commented 6 years ago

I use PagingAndSortingRepository. And I try to get pageable parameter by request like this:

public Page<Data> find(@PageableDefault(size = Integer.MAX_VALUE, sort = "timestamp") final Pageable pageable) {
    return dataRepository.findAll(pageable);

But when I try to use Page findAll(Pageable pageable) I catch UnsupportedOperationException: "Sorting not supported for find all scan operations".

Is there any way to sort data? Thanks!

astetsa commented 6 years ago

I try to use solution from issue without sort in pageable parameter. But I catch other exception "Sort not supported for scan expressions".

derjust commented 6 years ago

Which GSIs do you have defined? Please also see for some context

derjust commented 6 years ago

And while I'm working on the Spring5 support ( #98 ) - which spring-data version are you using in your project? Looks like they changed some null value into a null object. Might a transitive dependency maybe update your spring-data version?

astetsa commented 6 years ago

I use spring boot version '1.5.3.RELEASE'.

derjust commented 6 years ago

Any chance that you can try version 5.0.0?

astetsa commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately I can not use Spring 5 :(

derjust commented 6 years ago

@astetsa Any chance you can provide the output of mvn dependency:tree | grep spring-data of you setup? To me it looks like spring-data 2.0.x is active in your scenario. If that's the case, should do the trick :)

astetsa commented 6 years ago

I use gradle

buildscript {
    ext {
        springBootVersion = '1.5.8.RELEASE'
    repositories {
    dependencies {

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'org.springframework.boot'

group = 'com.dynamodbs3'
version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'
sourceCompatibility = 1.8

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'

    compile 'com.github.derjust:spring-data-dynamodb:4.5.0'
    compile 'com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-dynamodb:1.11.205'

    compile 'com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk:1.11.213'

    compile 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.16.16'
astetsa commented 6 years ago

I have userId as hash key and creationTimestamp as sorting key. Method works well: Page findByUserIdOrderByCreationTimestampAsc(String userId, Pageable pageable);

But there are cases when same userId trys to add a record in same time. So I need every row in table has unique id.

I try to create the table like this: id as hash key. Then I add global secondary index: userId as hash key and creationTimestamp as range key. But when I try to use findByUserIdOrderByCreationTimestampAsc I catch an exception "Sorting not supported for scan operations".

Then I try to create the table like this: userId as hash key, id as sorting key. And I try to use local secondary index instead global: userId as hash key and creationTimestamp as range key. But I catch other exception: "Sorting only possible by [id] for the criteria specified".

Where I am mistaken?

astetsa commented 6 years ago

I've solved the problem. It works with the global index. It was necessary to add annotations to the model:

@DynamoDBIndexHashKey(globalSecondaryIndexName = "IndexName")
@DynamoDBIndexRangeKey(globalSecondaryIndexNames = {"IndexName"})
derjust commented 6 years ago

Thanks for updating the issue. Looks like it's worth to put your finding into the documentation (wiki)

Thanks again

gauravbrills commented 6 years ago

Ya I also observed the use of @EnableScan @EnableScanCount Page<contact> findAll(Pageable pageable); fails now which used to work in older version . Is it cause now the default sort enum is coming as UNSORTED ..

this leads to the exception for the sorting check

"Sorting not supported for find all scan operations"

I guess we should put a UNSORTED check here or something likewise .

`@Override public Page findAll(Pageable pageable) {

    if (pageable.getSort() != null) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Sorting not supported for find all scan operations");
derjust commented 6 years ago

Not addressing this issue per say with PR #130 but handling the findAll case reported above. This somewhat slipped through

gauravbrills commented 6 years ago

@derjust Ahh Thanks ,do let me know when this will be released just upgraded and saw this .

astetsa commented 6 years ago

I have a table with id

    @DynamoDBHashKey(attributeName = "id")
    private String id;

And global secondary index with projection type 'key only'

    @DynamoDBIndexHashKey(globalSecondaryIndexName = TENANT_ID_INDEX_NAME)
    private String tenantId;

    @DynamoDBTypeConverted(converter = DynamoDbInstantConverter.class)
    @DynamoDBIndexRangeKey(globalSecondaryIndexNames = TENANT_ID_INDEX_NAME)
    private Instant creationTimestamp;

Also I have repository method findByTenantIdOrderByCreationTimestampAsc(String tenantId, Pageable pageable); Search and sorting work well.

Now I need have folow method findByTenantIdAndExpirationDateGreaterThanOrderByCreationTimestampAsc(String tenantId, long expirationDate, Pageable pageable)

I tried to create second global secondary index by expirationDate and creationTimestamp. But I caught an exception: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Sort not supported for scan expressions

I tried modify first global secondary index. I setted projection type as 'include' and set expirationDate as non key attribut. But I caught the same exception.

How can I implement needed behavior?

Many thanks for considering my request!

astetsa commented 6 years ago

I think I know what the problem is. Let's look at the interface of DynamoDBHashKeyExtractingEntityMetadata and its implementation of DynamoDBEntityMetadataSupport. The constructor fills field Map <String, String []> globalSecondaryIndexNames. It contains models fields marked with annotations @DynamoDBIndexHashKey and @DynamoDBIndexRangeKey. Then in class AbstractDynamoDBQueryCriteria there is a method protected String getGlobalSecondaryIndexName () which defines the index name. But it cannot defin index name and scaning starts. So I need add additional index attributes (expirationDate for my case) to globalSecondaryIndexNames. For this goal may add new annotation (e.c. @DynamoDBIndexIncludeAttribute) and put marked this annotation field to globalSecondaryIndexNames.

peavers commented 6 years ago

Don't suppose there is an example with POJOs and table setup for sorting? Either using 4.x or 5.x? I'm struggling to get anything working due to my poor knowledge of Dynamo!

gauravbrills commented 6 years ago

@derjust awaiting eagerly on this fix :) can we have this in some minor release Please 🥇

derjust commented 6 years ago

@astetsa i tried to follow your case but this case is hitting the ceiling with DynamoDB:

findByTenantIdOrderByCreationTimestampAsc(String tenantId, Pageable pageable works as there is a GSI for TenantId (Hash) and CreationTimestamp (Range) to allow for query and sorting.

findByTenantIdAndExpirationDateGreaterThanOrderByCreationTimestampAsc(String tenantId, long expirationDate, Pageable pageable) On the other hand tries to work on 3 attributes which doesn't work in DynamoDB in that constellation:

Thus I'm unsure what kind of change you are looking for. Keeping the information regarding what is part of the projection (for the GSI) is somewhat unimportant for the retrieval in the first place - it only is important what data is available to the mapper to produce the result entities (and the DynamoDBMapper is lenient if attributes are not available in the result set). Thus you are free to use a include projection but that doesn't help your search query.

yoga-guptha commented 6 years ago

I have a table with id

  @DynamoDBHashKey(attributeName = "id")
  private String id;

And global secondary index with projection type 'key only'

  @DynamoDBIndexHashKey(globalSecondaryIndexName = TENANT_ID_INDEX_NAME)
  private String tenantId;

  @DynamoDBTypeConverted(converter = DynamoDbInstantConverter.class)
  @DynamoDBIndexRangeKey(globalSecondaryIndexNames = TENANT_ID_INDEX_NAME)
  private Instant creationTimestamp;

Also I have repository method findByTenantIdOrderByCreationTimestampAsc(String tenantId, Pageable pageable); Search and sorting work well.

Now I need have folow method findByTenantIdAndExpirationDateGreaterThanOrderByCreationTimestampAsc(String tenantId, long expirationDate, Pageable pageable)

I tried to create second global secondary index by expirationDate and creationTimestamp. But I caught an exception: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Sort not supported for scan expressions

I tried modify first global secondary index. I setted projection type as 'include' and set expirationDate as non key attribut. But I caught the same exception.

How can I implement needed behavior?

Many thanks for considering my request!

Hi May I know how did you fix this scenario, I have the same case Can you provide your approach It would helpful to me a lot Thanks.

sidhant-p commented 3 years ago

I am sorry if am missing anything, but was this problem addressed? am building an app with boot v 2.4.4 and spring-data v 5.1.0 and code encounters the same error for sorting.

PremRanjanDev commented 3 years ago

Hi, @Everyone, Is this issue resolved? I am banging my head for the last few days still got no clue. These are the exceptions I am getting in different combination of solutions Sorting not supported for scan expressions and no HASH key for GSI using DynamoDBPagingAndSortingRepository Please please help me.!!

PremRanjanDev commented 3 years ago


interface StatementRepository : DynamoDBPagingAndSortingRepository<Statement?, String?> {
    override fun findById(id: String): Optional<Statement?>


@DynamoDBTable(tableName = "statements")
class Statement {
    var id: String? = null

    var statementText: String? = null

    var source: String? = null

    @get: DynamoDBIndexHashKey(globalSecondaryIndexName = "id")
    @get: DynamoDBIndexRangeKey(globalSecondaryIndexNames = ["id-createdAt-index"])
    var createdAt: Long? = null


statementRepository.findAll(PageRequest.of(page, size,"createdAt").descending())).forEach {...

Index on the table: (not sure if created right) DynamoDB Table Index

No clue what is missing, someone please help or suggest to me any other way to achieve it.

Thank you in advance!

PremRanjanDev commented 3 years ago

Getting no HASH key for GSI in the above scenario.