dernasherbrezon / r2cloud

Decode satellite signals on Raspberry PI or any other 64-bit CPU.
Apache License 2.0
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Any way to view the recorded sound files from the noaa satellites #55

Closed Blackbeard25 closed 5 years ago

Blackbeard25 commented 5 years ago

i was curious if there is a way to access the sound files for the noaa weather satellites as i was wanting to put them through wx to img on my pc to get different outputs and a image of both channels. any help?

dernasherbrezon commented 5 years ago


You could try downloading audio from satnogs:

Or websdr:

ChadOhman commented 4 years ago

+1 for this - I'd love to be able to pull down the captured wave file for my own post-processing.

dernasherbrezon commented 4 years ago

Is it a one time action or you want to do it regularly? You can download them manually from RPi. They are under ~/r2cloud/data/satellites/noradid/data/observationId/output.wav

ChadOhman commented 4 years ago

Thanks again @dernasherbrezon. I'm seeing the satellites indexed here:

pi@satpi:~/r2cloud/data/satellites $ ls
25338  39430  42017  43137  43189  43786  43804  43881  44103  44832  45119
28654  39444  42784  43186  43466  43792  43814  43908  44365  44878  45263
32789  40069  42829  43187  43743  43798  43855  44045  44406  44885  45598
33591  41460  43017  43188  43770  43803  43880  44083  44830  45115

With each observation catalogued under that with the output.wav:

pi@satpi:~/r2cloud/data/satellites $ ls 25338/data/1591712357968/
meta.json  output.wav  spectogram.png

Is it a possible feature request to have that output.wav linked in the web interface?


dernasherbrezon commented 4 years ago

Yes, sure.

dernasherbrezon commented 4 years ago

Fixed. Should be available after auto-update Screen Shot 2020-06-13 at 2 12 40 PM .

ChadOhman commented 4 years ago

Wow! I just checked and I'm already updated. Incredible. Thank you for this! :)
