desmondmorris / node-twitter

Client library for the Twitter REST and Streaming API's.
MIT License
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Media entities always return images not video or gifs (Thumbnail image) #343

Closed Bas950 closed 4 years ago

Bas950 commented 4 years ago

For this tweet I only get the following as media entity:

  id: 1291683183411437600,
  id_str: '1291683183411437568',
  indices: [ 149, 172 ],
  media_url: '',
  media_url_https: '',
  url: '',
  display_url: '',
  expanded_url: '',
  type: 'photo',
  sizes: {
    thumb: { w: 150, h: 150, resize: 'crop' },
    medium: { w: 846, h: 1200, resize: 'fit' },
    large: { w: 1024, h: 1452, resize: 'fit' },
    small: { w: 480, h: 680, resize: 'fit' }

This is the function I use:

let params = {
    screen_name: tweeter.tweeter,
    since_id: parseInt(tweeter.latestTweetId),
    include_rts: true,
    tweet_mode: "extended",
    count: 1000
twitterClient.get("statuses/user_timeline", params, async function (
) { 

How can I get the gifs/video links from the user_timeline?

Bas950 commented 4 years ago

its in the extended enitities media object and in that object its in the video_info.variants