deutschestextarchiv / dtabf

DTA Base Format (DTABf)
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closed valList for `TEI/@xml:id` #80

Open bwbohl opened 4 years ago

bwbohl commented 4 years ago

The closed valList for TEI/@xml:id seems to be due to the possibility of using an oXygen-framework for DTABf. This seems a bit awkward and I think it should be changed as it might heavily interfere with XML-ID usage in specific projects.

The automatic framework association could be achieved using other attributes on the TEI-element.

bwbohl commented 3 years ago

actually the Ediarum frameworks use different association methods, e.g. telota:doctype="document" so what is the relation between the DTA framework and the ediarum frameworks?

xlhrld commented 3 years ago

Vermutlich ähnlich wie #59?

xlhrld commented 3 years ago

The value of TEI/@xml:id should not be relied on as an indicator for DTABf instances, yes. Using vanilla TEI, /TEI/@type might be an easier solution than pulling in another namespace?

susannehaaf commented 3 years ago

Beschluss der DTABf-Steuerungsgruppe vom 7.1.2021: