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Terraform requires two destroys to clean resources and folders #92

Open uwardlaw opened 3 years ago

uwardlaw commented 3 years ago

From the command line, here is an example of destroying resources for student01.

control@control:~/rous/terraform$ terraform workspace select student01
Switched to workspace "student01".
control@control:~/rous/terraform$ terraform -chdir=/home/control/rous/terraform destroy -auto-ap                                                                                                  prove -var="port_group_name1=fundamentalsEnclave_class21012_student01_net00" -var="vsphere_virtu                                                                                                  al_machine_path=class21012/student01" -var="switch_name_1=class21012_student01_switch00" -var="p                                                                                                  arent_folder=class21012" -var="student_folder=student01"
vsphere_folder.parent: Refreshing state... [id=group-v820]
vsphere_host_virtual_switch.hvs1: Refreshing state... [id=tf-HostVirtualSwitch:host-64:class2101                                                                                                  2_student01_switch00]
vsphere_host_port_group.pg1: Refreshing state... [id=tf-HostPortGroup:host-64:fundamentalsEnclav                                                                                                  e_class21012_student01_net00]
time_sleep.wait_on_net: Refreshing state... [id=2021-11-16T20:59:38Z]
vsphere_virtual_machine.cloned_virtual_machine1: Refreshing state... [id=423df244-1006-9fa4-4651                                                                                                  -6882e39c706b]
vsphere_folder.folder: Refreshing state... [id=group-v821]

Note: Objects have changed outside of Terraform

Terraform detected the following changes made outside of Terraform since the last "terraform

  # vsphere_virtual_machine.cloned_virtual_machine1 has been changed
  ~ resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "cloned_virtual_machine1" {
      + custom_attributes                       = {}
      + extra_config                            = {}
        id                                      = "423df244-1006-9fa4-4651-6882e39c706b"
        name                                    = "win10_domain_clone"
      + tags                                    = []
        # (57 unchanged attributes hidden)

      ~ clone {
            # (3 unchanged attributes hidden)

          ~ customize {
              + dns_server_list = []
              + dns_suffix_list = []
                # (2 unchanged attributes hidden)

              ~ network_interface {
                  + dns_server_list = []
                    # (3 unchanged attributes hidden)

              ~ windows_options {
                  + run_once_command_list = []
                    # (8 unchanged attributes hidden)

        # (2 unchanged blocks hidden)
  # vsphere_folder.parent has been changed
  ~ resource "vsphere_folder" "parent" {
      + custom_attributes = {}
        id                = "group-v820"
      + tags              = []
        # (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
  # vsphere_folder.folder has been changed
  ~ resource "vsphere_folder" "folder" {
      + custom_attributes = {}
        id                = "group-v821"
      + tags              = []
        # (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
  # vsphere_host_port_group.pg1 has been changed
  ~ resource "vsphere_host_port_group" "pg1" {
        id                        = "tf-HostPortGroup:host-64:fundamentalsEnclave_class21012_stu                                                                                                  dent01_net00"
        name                      = "fundamentalsEnclave_class21012_student01_net00"
      ~ ports                     = [
          + {
              + key           = ""
              + mac_addresses = [
                  + "00:50:56:bd:ee:df",
              + type          = "virtualMachine"
        # (8 unchanged attributes hidden)

Unless you have made equivalent changes to your configuration, or ignored the relevant
attributes using ignore_changes, the following plan may include actions to undo or respond to
these changes.


Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource
actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  - destroy

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # time_sleep.wait_on_net will be destroyed
  - resource "time_sleep" "wait_on_net" {
      - create_duration = "10s" -> null
      - id              = "2021-11-16T20:59:38Z" -> null

  # vsphere_folder.folder will be destroyed
  - resource "vsphere_folder" "folder" {
      - custom_attributes = {} -> null
      - datacenter_id     = "datacenter-21" -> null
      - id                = "group-v821" -> null
      - path              = "class21012/student01" -> null
      - tags              = [] -> null
      - type              = "vm" -> null

  # vsphere_folder.parent will be destroyed
  - resource "vsphere_folder" "parent" {
      - custom_attributes = {} -> null
      - datacenter_id     = "datacenter-21" -> null
      - id                = "group-v820" -> null
      - path              = "class21012" -> null
      - tags              = [] -> null
      - type              = "vm" -> null

  # vsphere_host_port_group.pg1 will be destroyed
  - resource "vsphere_host_port_group" "pg1" {
      - computed_policy           = {
          - "allow_forged_transmits"    = "true"
          - "allow_mac_changes"         = "true"
          - "allow_promiscuous"         = "false"
          - "check_beacon"              = "false"
          - "failback"                  = "true"
          - "notify_switches"           = "true"
          - "shaping_average_bandwidth" = "0"
          - "shaping_burst_size"        = "0"
          - "shaping_enabled"           = "false"
          - "shaping_peak_bandwidth"    = "0"
          - "teaming_policy"            = "loadbalance_srcid"
        } -> null
      - host_system_id            = "host-64" -> null
      - id                        = "tf-HostPortGroup:host-64:fundamentalsEnclave_class21012_stu                                                                                                  dent01_net00" -> null
      - key                       = "                                                                                                  nt01_net00" -> null
      - name                      = "fundamentalsEnclave_class21012_student01_net00" -> null
      - ports                     = [
          - {
              - key           = ""
              - mac_addresses = [
                  - "00:50:56:bd:ee:df",
              - type          = "virtualMachine"
        ] -> null
      - shaping_average_bandwidth = 0 -> null
      - shaping_burst_size        = 0 -> null
      - shaping_peak_bandwidth    = 0 -> null
      - virtual_switch_name       = "class21012_student01_switch00" -> null
      - vlan_id                   = 0 -> null

  # vsphere_host_virtual_switch.hvs1 will be destroyed
  - resource "vsphere_host_virtual_switch" "hvs1" {
      - active_nics               = [] -> null
      - allow_forged_transmits    = true -> null
      - allow_mac_changes         = true -> null
      - allow_promiscuous         = false -> null
      - beacon_interval           = 1 -> null
      - check_beacon              = false -> null
      - failback                  = true -> null
      - host_system_id            = "host-64" -> null
      - id                        = "tf-HostVirtualSwitch:host-64:class21012_student01_switch00"                                                                                                   -> null
      - link_discovery_operation  = "listen" -> null
      - link_discovery_protocol   = "cdp" -> null
      - mtu                       = 1500 -> null
      - name                      = "class21012_student01_switch00" -> null
      - network_adapters          = [] -> null
      - notify_switches           = true -> null
      - number_of_ports           = 128 -> null
      - shaping_average_bandwidth = 0 -> null
      - shaping_burst_size        = 0 -> null
      - shaping_enabled           = false -> null
      - shaping_peak_bandwidth    = 0 -> null
      - standby_nics              = [] -> null
      - teaming_policy            = "loadbalance_srcid" -> null

  # vsphere_virtual_machine.cloned_virtual_machine1 will be destroyed
  - resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "cloned_virtual_machine1" {
      - annotation                              = <<-EOT
        EOT -> null
      - boot_delay                              = 0 -> null
      - boot_retry_delay                        = 10000 -> null
      - boot_retry_enabled                      = false -> null
      - change_version                          = "2021-11-16T21:00:23.05224Z" -> null
      - cpu_hot_add_enabled                     = false -> null
      - cpu_hot_remove_enabled                  = false -> null
      - cpu_limit                               = -1 -> null
      - cpu_performance_counters_enabled        = false -> null
      - cpu_reservation                         = 0 -> null
      - cpu_share_count                         = 1000 -> null
      - cpu_share_level                         = "normal" -> null
      - custom_attributes                       = {} -> null
      - datastore_id                            = "datastore-65" -> null
      - default_ip_address                      = "" -> null
      - efi_secure_boot_enabled                 = false -> null
      - enable_disk_uuid                        = false -> null
      - enable_logging                          = false -> null
      - ept_rvi_mode                            = "automatic" -> null
      - extra_config                            = {} -> null
      - firmware                                = "efi" -> null
      - folder                                  = "class21012/student01" -> null
      - force_power_off                         = true -> null
      - guest_id                                = "windows9_64Guest" -> null
      - guest_ip_addresses                      = [
          - "",
          - "fe80::20ef:e28c:339f:269",
        ] -> null
      - host_system_id                          = "host-64" -> null
      - hv_mode                                 = "hvAuto" -> null
      - id                                      = "423df244-1006-9fa4-4651-6882e39c706b" -> null
      - latency_sensitivity                     = "normal" -> null
      - memory                                  = 1024 -> null
      - memory_hot_add_enabled                  = false -> null
      - memory_limit                            = -1 -> null
      - memory_reservation                      = 0 -> null
      - memory_share_count                      = 10240 -> null
      - memory_share_level                      = "normal" -> null
      - migrate_wait_timeout                    = 30 -> null
      - moid                                    = "vm-823" -> null
      - name                                    = "win10_domain_clone" -> null
      - nested_hv_enabled                       = false -> null
      - num_cores_per_socket                    = 1 -> null
      - num_cpus                                = 1 -> null
      - reboot_required                         = false -> null
      - resource_pool_id                        = "resgroup-89" -> null
      - run_tools_scripts_after_power_on        = true -> null
      - run_tools_scripts_after_resume          = true -> null
      - run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot   = false -> null
      - run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown = true -> null
      - run_tools_scripts_before_guest_standby  = true -> null
      - scsi_bus_sharing                        = "noSharing" -> null
      - scsi_controller_count                   = 1 -> null
      - scsi_type                               = "lsilogic-sas" -> null
      - shutdown_wait_timeout                   = 3 -> null
      - swap_placement_policy                   = "inherit" -> null
      - sync_time_with_host                     = false -> null
      - tags                                    = [] -> null
      - uuid                                    = "423df244-1006-9fa4-4651-6882e39c706b" -> null
      - vapp_transport                          = [] -> null
      - vmware_tools_status                     = "guestToolsRunning" -> null
      - vmx_path                                = "win10_domain_clone/win10_domain_clone.vmx" ->                                                                                                   null
      - wait_for_guest_ip_timeout               = 0 -> null
      - wait_for_guest_net_routable             = false -> null
      - wait_for_guest_net_timeout              = 1 -> null

      - clone {
          - linked_clone  = false -> null
          - template_uuid = "423db02b-ed48-d4f4-f041-18391ac57d74" -> null
          - timeout       = 30 -> null

          - customize {
              - dns_server_list = [] -> null
              - dns_suffix_list = [] -> null
              - ipv4_gateway    = "" -> null
              - timeout         = 10 -> null

              - network_interface {
                  - dns_server_list = [] -> null
                  - ipv4_address    = "" -> null
                  - ipv4_netmask    = 24 -> null
                  - ipv6_netmask    = 0 -> null

              - windows_options {
                  - admin_password        = (sensitive value)
                  - auto_logon            = true -> null
                  - auto_logon_count      = 1 -> null
                  - computer_name         = "test1" -> null
                  - full_name             = "Administrator" -> null
                  - organization_name     = "Managed by Terraform" -> null
                  - run_once_command_list = [] -> null
                  - time_zone             = 85 -> null
                  - workgroup             = "WORKGROUP" -> null

      - disk {
          - attach           = false -> null
          - datastore_id     = "datastore-65" -> null
          - device_address   = "scsi:0:0" -> null
          - disk_mode        = "persistent" -> null
          - disk_sharing     = "sharingNone" -> null
          - eagerly_scrub    = false -> null
          - io_limit         = -1 -> null
          - io_reservation   = 0 -> null
          - io_share_count   = 1000 -> null
          - io_share_level   = "normal" -> null
          - keep_on_remove   = false -> null
          - key              = 2000 -> null
          - label            = "disk0" -> null
          - path             = "win10_domain_clone/win10_domain_clone.vmdk" -> null
          - size             = 32 -> null
          - thin_provisioned = false -> null
          - unit_number      = 0 -> null
          - uuid             = "6000C290-67b2-62d5-f9da-11b0991a927f" -> null
          - write_through    = false -> null

      - network_interface {
          - adapter_type          = "vmxnet3" -> null
          - bandwidth_limit       = -1 -> null
          - bandwidth_reservation = 0 -> null
          - bandwidth_share_count = 50 -> null
          - bandwidth_share_level = "normal" -> null
          - device_address        = "pci:0:7" -> null
          - key                   = 4000 -> null
          - mac_address           = "00:50:56:bd:ee:df" -> null
          - network_id            = "network-822" -> null
          - use_static_mac        = false -> null

Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 6 to destroy.
vsphere_folder.folder: Destroying... [id=group-v821]
vsphere_virtual_machine.cloned_virtual_machine1: Destroying... [id=423df244-1006-9fa4-4651-6882e                                                                                                  39c706b]
vsphere_virtual_machine.cloned_virtual_machine1: Still destroying... [id=423df244-1006-9fa4-4651                                                                                                  -6882e39c706b, 10s elapsed]
vsphere_virtual_machine.cloned_virtual_machine1: Destruction complete after 18s
time_sleep.wait_on_net: Destroying... [id=2021-11-16T20:59:38Z]
time_sleep.wait_on_net: Destruction complete after 0s
vsphere_host_port_group.pg1: Destroying... [id=tf-HostPortGroup:host-64:fundamentalsEnclave_clas                                                                                                  s21012_student01_net00]
vsphere_host_port_group.pg1: Destruction complete after 0s
vsphere_host_virtual_switch.hvs1: Destroying... [id=tf-HostVirtualSwitch:host-64:class21012_stud                                                                                                  ent01_switch00]
vsphere_host_virtual_switch.hvs1: Destruction complete after 0s
│ Warning: Version constraints inside provider configuration blocks are deprecated
│   on line 16, in provider "vsphere":
│   16:   version = "<1.16.0"
│ Terraform 0.13 and earlier allowed provider version constraints inside the provider
│ configuration block, but that is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version of
│ Terraform. To silence this warning, move the provider version constraint into the
│ required_providers block.
│ Error: folder is not empty, please remove all items before deleting
control@control:~/rous/terraform$ terraform -chdir=/home/control/rous/terraform destroy -auto-ap                                                                                                  prove -var="port_group_name1=fundamentalsEnclave_class21012_student01_net00" -var="vsphere_virtu                                                                                                  al_machine_path=class21012/student01" -var="switch_name_1=class21012_student01_switch00" -var="p                                                                                                  arent_folder=class21012" -var="student_folder=student01"
vsphere_folder.parent: Refreshing state... [id=group-v820]
vsphere_folder.folder: Refreshing state... [id=group-v821]

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource
actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  - destroy

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # vsphere_folder.folder will be destroyed
  - resource "vsphere_folder" "folder" {
      - custom_attributes = {} -> null
      - datacenter_id     = "datacenter-21" -> null
      - id                = "group-v821" -> null
      - path              = "class21012/student01" -> null
      - tags              = [] -> null
      - type              = "vm" -> null

  # vsphere_folder.parent will be destroyed
  - resource "vsphere_folder" "parent" {
      - custom_attributes = {} -> null
      - datacenter_id     = "datacenter-21" -> null
      - id                = "group-v820" -> null
      - path              = "class21012" -> null
      - tags              = [] -> null
      - type              = "vm" -> null

Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 2 to destroy.
vsphere_folder.folder: Destroying... [id=group-v821]
vsphere_folder.folder: Destruction complete after 0s
vsphere_folder.parent: Destroying... [id=group-v820]
vsphere_folder.parent: Destruction complete after 0s
│ Warning: Version constraints inside provider configuration blocks are deprecated
│   on line 16, in provider "vsphere":
│   16:   version = "<1.16.0"
│ Terraform 0.13 and earlier allowed provider version constraints inside the provider
│ configuration block, but that is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version of
│ Terraform. To silence this warning, move the provider version constraint into the
│ required_providers block.

Destroy complete! Resources: 2 destroyed.

In terraformDestroyEnclave.yml we add ignore_errors to the first terraform destroy that removes vm resources and then use a second terraform destroy that fails on errors to clean up.

marissaeinhorn commented 3 years ago

At first glance this appears to be a known problem