Open uwardlaw opened 3 years ago
From the command line, here is an example of destroying resources for student01.
control@control:~/rous/terraform$ terraform workspace select student01 Switched to workspace "student01". control@control:~/rous/terraform$ terraform -chdir=/home/control/rous/terraform destroy -auto-ap prove -var="port_group_name1=fundamentalsEnclave_class21012_student01_net00" -var="vsphere_virtu al_machine_path=class21012/student01" -var="switch_name_1=class21012_student01_switch00" -var="p arent_folder=class21012" -var="student_folder=student01" vsphere_folder.parent: Refreshing state... [id=group-v820] vsphere_host_virtual_switch.hvs1: Refreshing state... [id=tf-HostVirtualSwitch:host-64:class2101 2_student01_switch00] vsphere_host_port_group.pg1: Refreshing state... [id=tf-HostPortGroup:host-64:fundamentalsEnclav e_class21012_student01_net00] time_sleep.wait_on_net: Refreshing state... [id=2021-11-16T20:59:38Z] vsphere_virtual_machine.cloned_virtual_machine1: Refreshing state... [id=423df244-1006-9fa4-4651 -6882e39c706b] vsphere_folder.folder: Refreshing state... [id=group-v821] Note: Objects have changed outside of Terraform Terraform detected the following changes made outside of Terraform since the last "terraform apply": # vsphere_virtual_machine.cloned_virtual_machine1 has been changed ~ resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "cloned_virtual_machine1" { + custom_attributes = {} + extra_config = {} id = "423df244-1006-9fa4-4651-6882e39c706b" name = "win10_domain_clone" + tags = [] # (57 unchanged attributes hidden) ~ clone { # (3 unchanged attributes hidden) ~ customize { + dns_server_list = [] + dns_suffix_list = [] # (2 unchanged attributes hidden) ~ network_interface { + dns_server_list = [] # (3 unchanged attributes hidden) } ~ windows_options { + run_once_command_list = [] # (8 unchanged attributes hidden) } } } # (2 unchanged blocks hidden) } # vsphere_folder.parent has been changed ~ resource "vsphere_folder" "parent" { + custom_attributes = {} id = "group-v820" + tags = [] # (3 unchanged attributes hidden) } # vsphere_folder.folder has been changed ~ resource "vsphere_folder" "folder" { + custom_attributes = {} id = "group-v821" + tags = [] # (3 unchanged attributes hidden) } # vsphere_host_port_group.pg1 has been changed ~ resource "vsphere_host_port_group" "pg1" { id = "tf-HostPortGroup:host-64:fundamentalsEnclave_class21012_stu dent01_net00" name = "fundamentalsEnclave_class21012_student01_net00" ~ ports = [ + { + key = "" + mac_addresses = [ + "00:50:56:bd:ee:df", ] + type = "virtualMachine" }, ] # (8 unchanged attributes hidden) } Unless you have made equivalent changes to your configuration, or ignored the relevant attributes using ignore_changes, the following plan may include actions to undo or respond to these changes. ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: - destroy Terraform will perform the following actions: # time_sleep.wait_on_net will be destroyed - resource "time_sleep" "wait_on_net" { - create_duration = "10s" -> null - id = "2021-11-16T20:59:38Z" -> null } # vsphere_folder.folder will be destroyed - resource "vsphere_folder" "folder" { - custom_attributes = {} -> null - datacenter_id = "datacenter-21" -> null - id = "group-v821" -> null - path = "class21012/student01" -> null - tags = [] -> null - type = "vm" -> null } # vsphere_folder.parent will be destroyed - resource "vsphere_folder" "parent" { - custom_attributes = {} -> null - datacenter_id = "datacenter-21" -> null - id = "group-v820" -> null - path = "class21012" -> null - tags = [] -> null - type = "vm" -> null } # vsphere_host_port_group.pg1 will be destroyed - resource "vsphere_host_port_group" "pg1" { - computed_policy = { - "allow_forged_transmits" = "true" - "allow_mac_changes" = "true" - "allow_promiscuous" = "false" - "check_beacon" = "false" - "failback" = "true" - "notify_switches" = "true" - "shaping_average_bandwidth" = "0" - "shaping_burst_size" = "0" - "shaping_enabled" = "false" - "shaping_peak_bandwidth" = "0" - "teaming_policy" = "loadbalance_srcid" } -> null - host_system_id = "host-64" -> null - id = "tf-HostPortGroup:host-64:fundamentalsEnclave_class21012_stu dent01_net00" -> null - key = " nt01_net00" -> null - name = "fundamentalsEnclave_class21012_student01_net00" -> null - ports = [ - { - key = "" - mac_addresses = [ - "00:50:56:bd:ee:df", ] - type = "virtualMachine" }, ] -> null - shaping_average_bandwidth = 0 -> null - shaping_burst_size = 0 -> null - shaping_peak_bandwidth = 0 -> null - virtual_switch_name = "class21012_student01_switch00" -> null - vlan_id = 0 -> null } # vsphere_host_virtual_switch.hvs1 will be destroyed - resource "vsphere_host_virtual_switch" "hvs1" { - active_nics = [] -> null - allow_forged_transmits = true -> null - allow_mac_changes = true -> null - allow_promiscuous = false -> null - beacon_interval = 1 -> null - check_beacon = false -> null - failback = true -> null - host_system_id = "host-64" -> null - id = "tf-HostVirtualSwitch:host-64:class21012_student01_switch00" -> null - link_discovery_operation = "listen" -> null - link_discovery_protocol = "cdp" -> null - mtu = 1500 -> null - name = "class21012_student01_switch00" -> null - network_adapters = [] -> null - notify_switches = true -> null - number_of_ports = 128 -> null - shaping_average_bandwidth = 0 -> null - shaping_burst_size = 0 -> null - shaping_enabled = false -> null - shaping_peak_bandwidth = 0 -> null - standby_nics = [] -> null - teaming_policy = "loadbalance_srcid" -> null } # vsphere_virtual_machine.cloned_virtual_machine1 will be destroyed - resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "cloned_virtual_machine1" { - annotation = <<-EOT Leia/princess Administrator/P@ssword123 EOT -> null - boot_delay = 0 -> null - boot_retry_delay = 10000 -> null - boot_retry_enabled = false -> null - change_version = "2021-11-16T21:00:23.05224Z" -> null - cpu_hot_add_enabled = false -> null - cpu_hot_remove_enabled = false -> null - cpu_limit = -1 -> null - cpu_performance_counters_enabled = false -> null - cpu_reservation = 0 -> null - cpu_share_count = 1000 -> null - cpu_share_level = "normal" -> null - custom_attributes = {} -> null - datastore_id = "datastore-65" -> null - default_ip_address = "" -> null - efi_secure_boot_enabled = false -> null - enable_disk_uuid = false -> null - enable_logging = false -> null - ept_rvi_mode = "automatic" -> null - extra_config = {} -> null - firmware = "efi" -> null - folder = "class21012/student01" -> null - force_power_off = true -> null - guest_id = "windows9_64Guest" -> null - guest_ip_addresses = [ - "", - "fe80::20ef:e28c:339f:269", ] -> null - host_system_id = "host-64" -> null - hv_mode = "hvAuto" -> null - id = "423df244-1006-9fa4-4651-6882e39c706b" -> null - latency_sensitivity = "normal" -> null - memory = 1024 -> null - memory_hot_add_enabled = false -> null - memory_limit = -1 -> null - memory_reservation = 0 -> null - memory_share_count = 10240 -> null - memory_share_level = "normal" -> null - migrate_wait_timeout = 30 -> null - moid = "vm-823" -> null - name = "win10_domain_clone" -> null - nested_hv_enabled = false -> null - num_cores_per_socket = 1 -> null - num_cpus = 1 -> null - reboot_required = false -> null - resource_pool_id = "resgroup-89" -> null - run_tools_scripts_after_power_on = true -> null - run_tools_scripts_after_resume = true -> null - run_tools_scripts_before_guest_reboot = false -> null - run_tools_scripts_before_guest_shutdown = true -> null - run_tools_scripts_before_guest_standby = true -> null - scsi_bus_sharing = "noSharing" -> null - scsi_controller_count = 1 -> null - scsi_type = "lsilogic-sas" -> null - shutdown_wait_timeout = 3 -> null - swap_placement_policy = "inherit" -> null - sync_time_with_host = false -> null - tags = [] -> null - uuid = "423df244-1006-9fa4-4651-6882e39c706b" -> null - vapp_transport = [] -> null - vmware_tools_status = "guestToolsRunning" -> null - vmx_path = "win10_domain_clone/win10_domain_clone.vmx" -> null - wait_for_guest_ip_timeout = 0 -> null - wait_for_guest_net_routable = false -> null - wait_for_guest_net_timeout = 1 -> null - clone { - linked_clone = false -> null - template_uuid = "423db02b-ed48-d4f4-f041-18391ac57d74" -> null - timeout = 30 -> null - customize { - dns_server_list = [] -> null - dns_suffix_list = [] -> null - ipv4_gateway = "" -> null - timeout = 10 -> null - network_interface { - dns_server_list = [] -> null - ipv4_address = "" -> null - ipv4_netmask = 24 -> null - ipv6_netmask = 0 -> null } - windows_options { - admin_password = (sensitive value) - auto_logon = true -> null - auto_logon_count = 1 -> null - computer_name = "test1" -> null - full_name = "Administrator" -> null - organization_name = "Managed by Terraform" -> null - run_once_command_list = [] -> null - time_zone = 85 -> null - workgroup = "WORKGROUP" -> null } } } - disk { - attach = false -> null - datastore_id = "datastore-65" -> null - device_address = "scsi:0:0" -> null - disk_mode = "persistent" -> null - disk_sharing = "sharingNone" -> null - eagerly_scrub = false -> null - io_limit = -1 -> null - io_reservation = 0 -> null - io_share_count = 1000 -> null - io_share_level = "normal" -> null - keep_on_remove = false -> null - key = 2000 -> null - label = "disk0" -> null - path = "win10_domain_clone/win10_domain_clone.vmdk" -> null - size = 32 -> null - thin_provisioned = false -> null - unit_number = 0 -> null - uuid = "6000C290-67b2-62d5-f9da-11b0991a927f" -> null - write_through = false -> null } - network_interface { - adapter_type = "vmxnet3" -> null - bandwidth_limit = -1 -> null - bandwidth_reservation = 0 -> null - bandwidth_share_count = 50 -> null - bandwidth_share_level = "normal" -> null - device_address = "pci:0:7" -> null - key = 4000 -> null - mac_address = "00:50:56:bd:ee:df" -> null - network_id = "network-822" -> null - use_static_mac = false -> null } } Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 6 to destroy. vsphere_folder.folder: Destroying... [id=group-v821] vsphere_virtual_machine.cloned_virtual_machine1: Destroying... [id=423df244-1006-9fa4-4651-6882e 39c706b] vsphere_virtual_machine.cloned_virtual_machine1: Still destroying... [id=423df244-1006-9fa4-4651 -6882e39c706b, 10s elapsed] vsphere_virtual_machine.cloned_virtual_machine1: Destruction complete after 18s time_sleep.wait_on_net: Destroying... [id=2021-11-16T20:59:38Z] time_sleep.wait_on_net: Destruction complete after 0s vsphere_host_port_group.pg1: Destroying... [id=tf-HostPortGroup:host-64:fundamentalsEnclave_clas s21012_student01_net00] vsphere_host_port_group.pg1: Destruction complete after 0s vsphere_host_virtual_switch.hvs1: Destroying... [id=tf-HostVirtualSwitch:host-64:class21012_stud ent01_switch00] vsphere_host_virtual_switch.hvs1: Destruction complete after 0s ╷ │ Warning: Version constraints inside provider configuration blocks are deprecated │ │ on line 16, in provider "vsphere": │ 16: version = "<1.16.0" │ │ Terraform 0.13 and earlier allowed provider version constraints inside the provider │ configuration block, but that is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version of │ Terraform. To silence this warning, move the provider version constraint into the │ required_providers block. ╵ ╷ │ Error: folder is not empty, please remove all items before deleting │ │ ╵ control@control:~/rous/terraform$ terraform -chdir=/home/control/rous/terraform destroy -auto-ap prove -var="port_group_name1=fundamentalsEnclave_class21012_student01_net00" -var="vsphere_virtu al_machine_path=class21012/student01" -var="switch_name_1=class21012_student01_switch00" -var="p arent_folder=class21012" -var="student_folder=student01" vsphere_folder.parent: Refreshing state... [id=group-v820] vsphere_folder.folder: Refreshing state... [id=group-v821] Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: - destroy Terraform will perform the following actions: # vsphere_folder.folder will be destroyed - resource "vsphere_folder" "folder" { - custom_attributes = {} -> null - datacenter_id = "datacenter-21" -> null - id = "group-v821" -> null - path = "class21012/student01" -> null - tags = [] -> null - type = "vm" -> null } # vsphere_folder.parent will be destroyed - resource "vsphere_folder" "parent" { - custom_attributes = {} -> null - datacenter_id = "datacenter-21" -> null - id = "group-v820" -> null - path = "class21012" -> null - tags = [] -> null - type = "vm" -> null } Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 2 to destroy. vsphere_folder.folder: Destroying... [id=group-v821] vsphere_folder.folder: Destruction complete after 0s vsphere_folder.parent: Destroying... [id=group-v820] vsphere_folder.parent: Destruction complete after 0s ╷ │ Warning: Version constraints inside provider configuration blocks are deprecated │ │ on line 16, in provider "vsphere": │ 16: version = "<1.16.0" │ │ Terraform 0.13 and earlier allowed provider version constraints inside the provider │ configuration block, but that is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version of │ Terraform. To silence this warning, move the provider version constraint into the │ required_providers block. ╵ Destroy complete! Resources: 2 destroyed.
In terraformDestroyEnclave.yml we add ignore_errors to the first terraform destroy that removes vm resources and then use a second terraform destroy that fails on errors to clean up.
terraform destroy
At first glance this appears to be a known problem
From the command line, here is an example of destroying resources for
we addignore_errors
to the firstterraform destroy
that removes vm resources and then use a secondterraform destroy
that fails on errors to clean up.