devYuraKim / react

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Re12-atomic-blog > src > context | lost in context custom hook #19

Closed devYuraKim closed 1 week ago

devYuraKim commented 1 week ago

Completely lost. I know that I need to return functions somewhere that have access to the value, but that's it.

import { createContext } from "react";

function PostContext() {
  const PostContext = createContext();

      posts: searchedPosts,
      onAddPost: handleAddPost,
      onClearPosts: handleClearPosts,

export default PostContext;
devYuraKim commented 1 week ago
  1. Create the context outside all functions using createContext.
  2. Define the ContextProvider function, including all the related states and returning <Context.Provider value={...}>{children}</Context.Provider>
  3. Define the custom hook using useContext to access and return the context.
  4. export { ContextProvider, useContext }
  5. if necessary, retrieve state from other contexts like const { searchQuery } = useSearchContext().
function createRandomPost() {
  return {
    title: `${faker.hacker.adjective()} ${faker.hacker.noun()}`,
    body: faker.hacker.phrase(),

const PostContext = createContext();

function PostProvider({ children }) {
  const [posts, setPosts] = useState(() =>
    Array.from({ length: 30 }, () => createRandomPost())

  const { searchQuery } = useSearchContext();

  // Derived state. These are the posts that will actually be displayed
  const searchedPosts =
    searchQuery.length > 0
      ? posts.filter((post) =>
          `${post.title} ${post.body}`
      : posts;

  function handleAddPost(post) {
    setPosts((posts) => [post, ...posts]);

  function handleClearPosts() {

  return (
        posts: searchedPosts,
        onAddPost: handleAddPost,
        onClearPosts: handleClearPosts,

function usePostContext() {
  const context = useContext(PostContext);
  return context;

export { PostProvider, usePostContext };