devanshkv / fetch

A set of deep learning models for FRB/RFI binary classification.
GNU General Public License v3.0
42 stars 32 forks source link model download links appear to be offline #25

Closed ruiten22 closed 2 years ago

ruiten22 commented 2 years ago

Hi @devanshkv, @KshitijAggarwal and @nategarver-daniels,

I'm unable to use the models in The link to download the models seems to be offline again. For models 'a' to 'h', for example, I get the HTTPS Error 502: Bad Gateway.

Could you make the download links active again?

Many thanks in advance, Best, ruiten22

devanshkv commented 2 years ago


Joe Glaser should be able to help with this.

Regards, Devansh