devforth / spa-to-http

Lightweight zero-configuration SPA HTTP server. Serves SPA bundle on HTTP port so it plays well with Traefik out of the box. Compatible with Vue.js, React and Angular
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brotli http http-server spa traefik

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Lightweight zero-configuration SPA HTTP server. Serves SPA bundle on HTTP port which makes it play well with traefik


Spa-to-http vs Nginx

Spa-to-http Nginx
Zero-configuration ✅No config files, SPA serving works out of the box with most optimal settings ❌Need to create a dedicated config file
Ability to config settings like host, port, compression using Environment variables or CLI ✅Yes ❌No, only text config file
Docker image size ✅13.2 MiB (v1.0.3) ❌142 MiB (v1.23.1)
Brotli compression out-of-the-box ✅Yes, just set env BROTLI=true ❌You need a dedicated module like ngx_brotli

Performence accroding to Spa-to-http vs Nginx benchmark (End of the post)

Spa-to-http Nginx
Average time from container start to HTTP port availability (100 startups) ✅1.358 s (11.5% faster) ❌1.514s
Requests-per-second on 0.5 KiB HTML file at localhost * ✅80497 (1.6% faster) ❌79214
Transfer speed on 0.5 KiB HTML file * ❌74.16 MiB/sec ✅75.09 MiB/sec (1.3% faster)
Requests-per-second on 5 KiB JS file at localhost * ✅66126 (5.2% faster) ❌62831
Transfer speed on 5 KiB HTML file * ✅301.32 MiB/sec (4.5% faster) ❌288.4

Hello world & ussage

Create Dockerfile in yoru SPA directory (near package.json):

FROM node:16-alpine as builder
WORKDIR /code/
ADD package-lock.json .
ADD package.json .
RUN npm ci
ADD . .
RUN npm run build

FROM devforth/spa-to-http:latest
COPY --from=builder /code/dist/ . 

So we built our frontend and included it into container based on Spa-to-http. This way gives us great benefits:

Example serving SPA with Traefik and Docker-Compose

version: "3.3"


    image: "traefik:v2.7"
      - "--providers.docker=true"
      - "--providers.docker.exposedbydefault=false"
      - "--entrypoints.web.address=:80"
      - "80:80"
      - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro"

    build: "spa" # name of the folder where Dockerfile is located
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.trfk-vue.rule=Host(`trfk-vue.localhost`)"
      - "" # port inside of trfk-vue which should be used

How to enable Brotli compression:

    build: "spa"
++  command: --brotli
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.trfk-vue.rule=Host(`trfk-vue.localhost`)"
      - ""

How to change thresshold of small files which should not be compressed:

    build: "spa"
--  command: --brotli
++  command: --brotli --threshold 500
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.trfk-vue.rule=Host(`trfk-vue.localhost`)"
      - ""

How to run container on a custom port:

    build: "spa"
++  command: --brotli --port 8082
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.trfk-vue.rule=Host(`trfk-vue.localhost`)"
--    - ""
++    - ""

Ignore caching for some specific resources, e.g. prevent Service Worker caching on CDNs like Cloudflare:

    build: "spa"
++  command: --ignore-cache-control-paths "/sw.js"
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.trfk-vue.rule=Host(`trfk-vue.localhost`)"
      - ""

This is not needed for most of your assets because their filenames should contain file hash (added by default by modern bundlers). So cache naturally invalidated by referencing hashed assets from uncachable html. However some special resources like service worker must be served on fixed URL without file hash in filename

Available Options:

Environment Variable Command Description Defaults
ADDRESS -a or --address Address to use
PORT -p or --port Port to listen on 8080
GZIP --gzip When enabled it will create .gz files using gzip compression for files which size exceedes threshold and serve it instead of original one if client accepts gzip encoding. If brotli also enabled it will try to serve brotli first false
BROTLI --brotli When enabled it will create .br files using brotli compression for files which size exceedes threshold and serve it instead of original one if client accepts brotli encoding. If gzip also enabled it will try to serve brotli first false
THRESHOLD --threshold <number> Threshold in bytes for gzip and brotli compressions 1024
DIRECTORY -d <string> or --directory <string> Directory to serve .
CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE --cache-control-max-age <number> Set cache time (in seconds) for cache-control max-age header To disable cache set to -1. .html files are not being cached 604800
IGNORE_CACHE_CONTROL_PATHS --ignore-cache-control-paths <string> Additional paths to set "Cache-control: no-store" via comma, example "/file1.js,/file2.js"
SPA_MODE --spa or --spa <bool> When SPA mode if file for requested path does not exists server returns index.html from root of serving directory. SPA mode and directory listing cannot be enabled at the same time true
CACHE --cache When enabled f.Open reads are being cached using Two Queue LRU Cache in bits true
CACHE_BUFFER --cache-buffer <number> Specifies the maximum size of LRU cache in bytes 51200
LOGGER --logger Enable requests logger false
LOG_PRETTY --log-pretty Print log messages in a pretty format instead of default JSON format false