devpunks / snuggsi

snuggsi ツ - Easy Custom Elements in ~1kB
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Examples not working under Edge / 15 #139

Open robcole opened 6 years ago

robcole commented 6 years ago

Using a cross-browser testing app to test a production app, however, this is also replicable in our local examples. Attaching screenshots of one in Chrome, other in Edge / 15 (similar issues exist in Edge / 14 and IE / 11).

Happy to debug more if someone can give me an area to look; it's looking like support for both IE and Edge is lacking.

My hunch is that this is due to the polyfills, but I haven't tracked down a way to actually gain any traction fixing it yet.


Also tested: JS fiddle of example,



Edge / 15


Console Errors (Edge)


snuggs commented 6 years ago

@robcole seems like this is the "gold standard" at least 2 years ago.

snuggs commented 6 years ago


robcole commented 6 years ago

@snuggs @brandondees - I was able to get the page load working with a new Polyfill (link) but there's a new issue with this.context not being defined. Tried accessing it in an onconnect function with no luck - small snippet of code + screenshot of error posted; sorry for screenshot, but can't copy/paste from Browserstack.

debugger call inserted so I can log what this and this.context look like before the error is triggered (on next line).

const supporterWallElement = class extends HTMLElement {
  initialize () {
    this.context.currentPage = 1; // pagination
    this.context.supporters = [];

    this.context.wallUrl = document

  onconnect () {
    const template = Template(`supportercard`);


brandondees commented 6 years ago

I don't think this.context has any magic to it, just a convention pattern you can follow. basically, set it to an empty object yourself. right, @snuggs ?

robcole commented 6 years ago

@brandondees What I mean by this is that this.context isn't being initialized in Edge the way it is in Chrome in the Component class, i.e. doesn't appear to be triggered.

snuggs commented 6 years ago

AHHH I See interesting @robcole that Polyfill is part of the solution we are coming up with. Thanks man!!!! @robcole /cc @brandondees

snuggs commented 6 years ago

Promising!!! Feelin' real good about this 💪 @robcole @brandondees @albertoponti @cristhiandick @angelocordon @codeSnorter capture d ecran 2017-09-01 a 06 49 54

snuggs commented 6 years ago

Internet Explorer 11

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Firefox 54

capture d ecran 2017-09-01 a 09 35 28

snuggs commented 6 years ago

@brandondees @robcole @tmornini @kurtcagle I have been through (I.E.) Hell and back. Was an extremely dark place the past few days in IE land. (Couldn't even log on Slack let alone messenger due to resource hogging of Parallels). That said... Polyfill complete (from my testing). Big salute to @robcole for coming through with that document.registerElement polyfill as well. It filled in the missing pieces that was giving webcomponentsjs polyfill problems in IE. Also integrating into so we can remove the polyfill noise from the README (confusing as fuck! and @cristhiandick hates it) . Which means we have custom elements in IE (back to 8 I believe) AND Firefox. That said, now getting snuggsi upgrades working which we have full control over. Still down by 1 in the football game. As soon as we get those undefined clear that's the 2 point conversion to win the Super Bowl.

/cc @albertoponti @cristhiandick 🏈 💯 🎉 :goal_net:

Polyfill Implementation



Screen Captures


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Internet Explorer 11

capture d ecran 2017-09-05 a 09 37 16

robcole commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the updates @snuggs - LMK when you're at a point where you'd like some real-world testers and I'd be happy to test against our current code! 🤞

snuggs commented 6 years ago

Sheds light on solution. From the spec maintainers. And their frustration with polyfill authors Particularly

snuggs commented 6 years ago

@robcole @brandondees @albertoponti @cristhiandick.

Only 1 bug left in FF and all clear. I'd say 98% complete cross browser.


snuggs commented 6 years ago

... Sans webcomponentsjs pollyfill

@brandondees and it's getting worse... Good thing we got off the boat.

snuggs commented 6 years ago

@robcole @brandondees @albertoponti @cristhiandick iOS & (as @robcole calls it) IE (Edge) #Touchdown 🏈 with 1% to go. ;-)

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