dewarim / cinnamon

Cinnamon CMS Server
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Edit existing user #157

Closed boris-horner closed 6 years ago

boris-horner commented 7 years ago

In previous server versions, changing user parameters was possible without entering the password into the password field. If the pwd field was empty, saving just kept the existing pwd. Now a pwd must be entered - this is suboptimal, because the user might have entered a strong pwd unknown to the admin.

This is also annoying since it is impossible to create users and at the same time making them a sudo target. All parameters should be editable on create.

Generally, the admin GUI has many small bugs - it's possible to do most things, but one often runs into 404 or 500 when saving, changing the list length of lists works for some lists and doesn't for others. There are textual deviations of the same thing on different pages. Particularly in the ACL area, the usability is ugly. The style sheets need some refreshment, too.

So, either the admin interface should be tested and cleaned up, or (preferred), all admin functions should be exposed through the API, so anybody who wants a better admin GUI can go ahead and create one ;-)

boris-horner commented 7 years ago

... and some of the German terms sound a bit like words invented by bureaucrats.