dewenni / ESP_Buderus_KM271

Control your Buderus Logamatic 2107 or HS-2105 with MQTT or Home Assistant
MIT License
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Activating MQTT will result in Accesspoint Mode #36

Closed qutschwalze closed 11 months ago

qutschwalze commented 1 year ago

Hi! I updated my board from Daniel from 2.2 to 3.2.1. Everything works except MQTT. I used the same credentials that I used for 2.2 und I can see in my ioBroker installation that the boards connects via MQTT but then it reboots and stays in Accesspoint Mode.

mqtt.0 2023-06-16 11:15:58.011 info Client [ESP-Buderus-KM271] connection closed: timeout
mqtt.0 2023-06-16 11:15:19.306 info Client [ESP-Buderus-KM271] publishOnSubscribe send all known states
mqtt.0 2023-06-16 11:15:19.285 info Client [ESP-Buderus-KM271] publishOnSubscribe send all known states
mqtt.0 2023-06-16 11:15:19.106 info Client [ESP-Buderus-KM271] subscribes on "esp_heizung_2/setvalue/#" with regex /^mqtt.0.esp_heizung_2.setvalue..*/
mqtt.0 2023-06-16 11:15:19.106 info Client [ESP-Buderus-KM271] subscribes on "esp_heizung_2/setvalue/#" with regex /^esp_heizung_2.setvalue..*/
mqtt.0 2023-06-16 11:15:19.085 info Client [ESP-Buderus-KM271] subscribes on "esp_heizung_2/cmd/#" with regex /^mqtt.0.esp_heizung_2.cmd..*/
mqtt.0 2023-06-16 11:15:19.085 info Client [ESP-Buderus-KM271] subscribes on "esp_heizung_2/cmd/#" with regex /^esp_heizung_2.cmd..*/
mqtt.0 2023-06-16 11:15:19.024 info Client [ESP-Buderus-KM271]

I compiled the firmware by myself und updated it again via OTA with your version.


qutschwalze commented 1 year ago

The Problem does not exist in 3.2.0

JieffeEl commented 1 year ago

The MQTT library was changed between 3.2.0 and 3.2.1, went from pubsubclient to async-mqtt-client to solve a reconnection problem. 3.2.1 works fine with Mosquitto, must be an incompatibility with ioBroker.

dewenni commented 1 year ago

I´am also using a Mosquitto Broker on a separate Docker Container and have no problems.

A quick test with an ioBroker Setup and the mqtt client in ioBroker works also for me. Maybe it has something to do with the mqtt broker from the ioBroker?

I will try to test this also...

dewenni commented 1 year ago

so, I have tested with the mqtt broker from ioBroker and this works also fine for me

mqtt.0 | 2023-06-17 10:11:05.350 | info | Client [ESP-Buderus-KM271] publishOnSubscribe send all known states
-- | -- | -- | --
mqtt.0 | 2023-06-17 10:11:05.345 | info | Client [ESP-Buderus-KM271] publishOnSubscribe send all known states
mqtt.0 | 2023-06-17 10:11:05.149 | info | Client [ESP-Buderus-KM271] subscribes on "esp_heizung/setvalue/#" with regex /^mqtt\.0\.esp_heizung\.setvalue(\..*)?/
mqtt.0 | 2023-06-17 10:11:05.149 | info | Client [ESP-Buderus-KM271] subscribes on "esp_heizung/setvalue/#" with regex /^esp_heizung\.setvalue(\..*)?/
mqtt.0 | 2023-06-17 10:11:05.145 | info | Client [ESP-Buderus-KM271] subscribes on "esp_heizung/cmd/#" with regex /^mqtt\.0\.esp_heizung\.cmd(\..*)?/
mqtt.0 | 2023-06-17 10:11:05.145 | info | Client [ESP-Buderus-KM271] subscribes on "esp_heizung/cmd/#" with regex /^esp_heizung\.cmd(\..*)?/
mqtt.0 | 2023-06-17 10:11:05.096 | info | Client [ESP-Buderus-KM271] connected with secret 1686989465093_5403

for now, I don´t know how to help you... At least it seems not to be a general problem. It must be something special with your setup.

qutschwalze commented 1 year ago

OK, I tried it with an other instance. It works out of the box until I create the setvalue topics.

dewenni commented 1 year ago

Could you please describe what you exactly do? Then I could try to reproduce it.

dewenni commented 11 months ago

@qutschwalze any news here?

qutschwalze commented 11 months ago

Hello, sorry for the late answer. The problem exist also in 3.2.0. As soon as I restart or shut off my ioBroker instance, it switches back to AP mode. I need to login after ioBroker is back and restart the ESP.

dewenni commented 11 months ago

ok, so it has something to do with a restart or shutdown of the ioBroker. I will try to do some tests in that direction within the next days and see if I can find out anything.

qutschwalze commented 11 months ago

I can also export my MQTT-Objects with the "setvalues" and my MQTT configuration if you need it.

dewenni commented 11 months ago

@qutschwalze please have a look here

qutschwalze commented 11 months ago

Hi! It works but it does not prevent the problem when ioBroker is down or rebooting. In this case the board resets itself and stays in AP/Setup mode, then I have to reboot the ESP.

dewenni commented 11 months ago

Have you disabled both marked settings?
In my Test-Setup also a shutdown and resort works. But If you enable the setting "Eigene States beim verbinden publizieren" then all commands are send more or less at the same time when the connection established. But the ESP can only handle one command at the same time. After every command the "Log-Mode" of the Loagmatic is activated again and all values are read again. So I is in general not a good idea to send more than one command at the same time.

Otherwise please attach your ioBroker Settings and export of your objects.

qutschwalze commented 11 months ago

Soo, I updated the ESP to 3.2.3 and rebooted ioBroker, reinstalled MQTT instance and added your changes. For now it seems that fixes the problem! Many thanks!!

dewenni commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the feedback and good to hear that it's finally working.