dewi-alliance / grants

Details of the DeWi Alliance Grant Program
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Helium Network "Non-Coverage" Mapping #12

Closed cvolkernick closed 2 years ago

cvolkernick commented 3 years ago


Helium Network "Non-Coverage" Mapping

Elevator Pitch

Though the Helium Network Mapping project has come quite far, and is today leaps and bounds ahead of where it began, there remain at least two primary shortfalls that stand to be addressed:

  1. Lack of sufficient involvement / participation in the mapping initiative, largely because there is no inherent incentive, monetary or otherwise.

  2. Lack of distinction between areas that have not been audited via coverage mapping devices and areas that have seen audit traffic, which simply do not have coverage available. This "non-coverage" falls through the cracks because there currently exists no mechanism to capture this “offline” data.

This proposal seeks to address the latter in an effort to better inform a more targeted approach where the former is most lacking. This "non-coverage" data will also provide value to hotspot deployers, as they will more easily and readily be able to identify areas lacking in coverage for future deployments.

The final deliverable will provide an open source solution that can be maintained and extended by both public and private enterprise leveraging non-coverage data.

Implementation Details, Desired Outcomes, Methods of Verification

Mapping Devices

As we have already completed extensive development and deploying of Helium network mapping devices / kits, this grant [as written] would provide financial support for cost of materials & any development costs involved in extending previous efforts to include non-coverage and/or gamification.

After materials [Wisblock based mapper, battery, GPS antenna, power supply cable, casing] (approx. $80), [domestic] shipping (approx. $10-15) & assembly / fulfillment labor for non-DIY units (approx. $10), unit price is approx. $100-110 / unit. For the DIY kit the cost of assembly can be removed.

Note also this initiative is currently targeted at the US915 market. The initiative should be easily expanded to other regions at a later date(s) with additional funding & potentially additional manpower support on the ground in any of these regions.

Non-Coverage Mapping

This grant includes extending the firmware on current mapper spec to track non-coverage. The mapping device will store the GPS locations of serialized pings. The mappers will sync via BLE to a mobile app and then to a web app to reconcile the data with pings mapped over Lora. Non Coverage results will be displayed on a web visualization. Future phase, could provide an API for ingestion by

Device / User Authentication

Proposed Solutions:

Website Visualization

Hotspot RF team to make a proof of concept that visualizes data to augment existing mapping and add non-coverage data. This will serve as a UX proof of concept & demonstrate the ability to consume and/or extend private services using the open source solution.


In lieu of monetary rewards, individuals will earn badges for their mapping activities. Example badges are:

Swag could be sent at certain levels and / or discord avatar overlays / roles / discord nitro

Name and Address

Chris Volkernick (@cvolkernick) [KYC Sent] Phill Tran (@philltran) [KYC Sent] HotspotRF Team (@hotspotrf)

Team or Project Website

IoWE HotspotRF


Plug n' Play Helium Coverage Mapper

Helium Coverage Mapper DIY Kit

Team or projects social

Chris Volkernick LinkedIn IoWE Facebook IoWE Twitter

Phill Tran LinkedIn

HotspotRF LinkedIn HotspotRF Facebook HotspotRF Twitter

Code Repos of team or key applicants

Chris Volkernick

Phill Tran


James (Rep for HotspotRF)

Project Details

As a matter of encouraging widespread [public & private] adoption of the Helium network, the primary focus should be on ensuring network coverage reach & reliability (QoS). By demonstrating strong confidence in regional QoS via on-the-ground auditing of gateway service areas, these audits demonstrate real-world coverage by using RF transmissions to materially validate asserted coverage areas.

Any respectable commercial service provider / vendor will do a great deal of due diligence before launching a new product; if there is not reasonable confidence in the targeted coverage area & reliability of the network, it's unlikely that product developers are going to consider using the Helium network in the first place.

The initiative seeks to accomplish a few main objectives:

  1. Gather previously undocumented areas of demonstrable non-coverage to supplement existing documented coverage.

  2. Expand the pool of coverage mapping participants & dramatically increase the levels & usefulness of documented network coverage & non-coverage.

  3. Increase access to & interest in Helium network coverage mapping, both technically & financially.

  4. Provide a user interface to view coverage & non-coverage data in a digestible & intuitive way for use in targeting under-served areas for supplemental hotspot deployments.

We intend to offer both a "Plug-and-Play" option & a DIY kit to reach both non-technical & technically savvy individuals to participate in the way they are comfortable . DIY kit will also include any available resources to support learning & familiarizing users with the Helium console.

Our existing model is not battery powered (direct power supply cable only), however, if it is deemed worthwhile additional spend in the context of this grant that can be changed, as well -- as we do have the ability to offer a more "premium" setup that is self-powered & rechargeable.


We have provided a generalized, high-level outline of project development; material requirements represent hardware & required infrastructure cost(s), while development milestones represent stages in development roadmap. Milestones represent the core components involved in the implementation of the described proposal. These segments are presented in the order they can / should be implemented, and best attempt to separate concerns of each segment.

Until there is further feedback from DeWi grant reviewers regarding the directionality & outcomes specifically desired by the team, it will prove difficult to further specify timelines & requirements involved in any additional particulars. The team believes gathering additional feedback from DeWi stakeholders based on current proposal details may prove useful in narrowing the scope of the work & specifically addressing any overlap between this proposal and high-level DeWi grant objectives.

Material Requirement Item Expense
Operating Expense Web Hosting & Admin (1 Year) $10,000
Hardware Expense 250 Coverage Mapping Units $25,000
Development Milestone Timeline Expense
Hardware Development 2 - 4 Weeks $4,000 - $8,000
Non-Coverage Backend (API) 6 - 8 Weeks $4,000 - $8,000
Mobile App (Offline Data Collection) 6 - 8 Weeks $4,000 - $8,000
Non-Coverage Frontend (HSRF) 2 - 4 Weeks $6,400 - $12,800
Gamification / Incentives 2 - 4 Weeks $4,000 - $8,000
Total Fiat Ask 16 - 24 Weeks $57,400 - $79,800
PaulVMo commented 3 years ago

Chris and Phil, thanks for your submission. While coverage mapping is priority for the DeWi grants committee, the committee is not supportive of this application to build more mappers. DeWi and the committee would like to see proposals to improve upon the current mapping system rather than just more mappers under the current system. For example, improvements such as securing the API from spoofing and other bad data, new device types for mapping such as an app-connected mapper (e.g., with ability to log non-coverage), API for retrieving and using mapping data in other apps, or an incentive system for mappers among other opportunity areas. The grant committee would be happy to have further discussions on these if you are interested in any of them.

In addition to those points, this proposal does not provide a plan for how users of the devices will be identified and held accountable for continuing to map. Details regarding how output of any grant program will be used and followed up on is a key part of an application.

We look forward to a revised proposal or otherwise closing of this application.

cvolkernick commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback on this @PaulVMo -- we are actually really intrigued by the app-connected non-coverage concept & actively considering what might be involved in a proposal for such a project. We will update accordingly when we have some more details; thanks again for the feedback & suggestions!

cvolkernick commented 2 years ago

@PaulVMo et al -- we have updated our original proposal submission with our non-coverage proposal.

We have also gathered the support of the @hotspotrf team who will be working with @philltran & myself(@cvolkernick) to provide a proof-of-concept UI/UX to visualize the data leveraging the underlying open source solution to view gathered data.

cvolkernick commented 2 years ago

@PaulVMo et al -- Here is our reworked roadmap / timeline based on our initial discussions. Any added feedback, questions, comments on these adjustments appreciated in anticipation of our follow up discussion later this week.

We've grouped related deliverables into 3 "Phases", which are essentially representative of:

  1. MVP / POC Phase (Minimum Viable Product / Proof of Concept)
  2. Core Buildout (Building on MVP to further flesh out priority functionality)
  3. Enhancements & Optimizations (Shore up core feature set stability for production-ready solution & adding additional enhancements / expanding feature set).
Phase Equipment Requirements Timeline Expense
N/A Operating Expense N/A Web Hosting / Admin $10,000 - $15,000 annually
N/A Testing & Development Hardware N/A $5,000
Development Milestones Timeline Expense
1 Bluetooth firmware (BLE, Lora, and GPS) a. Upgradable b. Use smartphone location or GPS information 2 - 4 weeks $5,000 - $10,000
Mapper API MVP 2 - 4 weeks $5,000 - $8,000
Mobile App to Flash Firmware 2 - 3 weeks $5,000 - $8,000
Bluetooth firmware (BLE and Lora only)a. Upgradable b. Use smartphone location information 2 - 3 weeks $5,000 - $8,000
2 Non-Coverage Backend (API) Ingest Mapping data and compare to determine non coverage Provide Restful API for polling mapping data 6 - 8 Weeks $5,000 - $10,000
Mobile App (Offline Data Collection) Collect data from hardware and send to Non-Coverage Backend (API) 6 - 8 Weeks $6,000 - $10,000
Non-Coverage Frontend (HSRF) Visualization of digest data 2 - 4 Weeks $8,000 - $12,000
3 Mapping API (HSRF) Optimizations Enhancements Production Readiness 6 - 8 Weeks $6,000 - $8,000
Remove Stale Data Update API based on Hotspot location reassertions on Blockchain 2 - 3 Weeks $4,000 - $8,000
Data Analytics Enhancements Predictive Coverage based on historical RF data 2-4 Weeks $4,000 - $8,000
Gamification / Incentives 2 - 4 Weeks $4,000 - $8,000
Total 34 - 53 Weeks $71,000 - $90,000

@philltran @hotspotrf feel free to add any notes or commentary I've missed. Thanks to everyone involved!

cvolkernick commented 2 years ago

Thanks for all of the feedback & discussion today everyone...our team plans to meet Monday afternoon to continue refining deliverables/timelines/expense line items & follow up here and/or discord.

PaulVMo commented 2 years ago

Hi Chris and team, are you still planning to update this application?

cvolkernick commented 2 years ago

Hey @PaulVMo -- we are definitely still planning to continue with this effort. James has been sick the past week and we have been on pause for a moment. We are also regrouping based on our discussions to form a more cogent roadmap re: specific deliverables, costs & timelines. The holidays have also thrown a wrench in the usual schedules a bit so things are slow moving as they tend to be this time of year. Thanks for checking in! :)

JessmFromEarth commented 2 years ago

The DeWi Grant Committee has reviewed this grant application and has moved to close this issue.

Thank you for submitting this application.