dexter-psychometrics / dexter

Management, assessment, and psychometric analysis of data from educational and psychological tests
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Getting three differing errors in fit domain, which I do not understand #9

Closed WrdeVries closed 1 year ago

WrdeVries commented 1 year ago


I have tried the fit domain function on several of the tests in my dataset. I seem to be getting three different errors, of which I am unsure what they mean and or how to resolve them. If needed I can attach a minimal example.

> fit_domains(db,item_property = "questiontype", booklet_id =="10048")
Error in solve.default(H * scale, E) : 
  Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular: U[1,1] = 0
In addition: Warning message:
In fit_inter_(.) :
  every score can be reached in only one way, no data reduction possible

> fit_domains(db,item_property = "questiontype", booklet_id =="10039")
The following items have no zero score category:
[1] "choice"
Error in fit_inter_(.) : data contains items without zero score category

> fit_domains(db,item_property = "questiontype", booklet_id =="10012")
Error in solve.default(H * scale, E) : 
  system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 1.9513e-17
jessekps commented 1 year ago


The fit_domains function is nice in principle but in practice it puts some demands on your dataset which are difficult to exactly define and in these cases cause the errors.

Fit_domains works by summing the scores of the tiems in a particular domain, so that the domain becomes the item. If the items are fairly easy, or there are many items in a domain, it can easily occur that nobody gets 0 points on a domain. The way the models in dexter are set up means that there has to be a zero score for each item, otherwise it won't calibrate. This is what causes the second error above, which admittedly could have been more clear.

The first error is caused by something similar, only now it apears that one of the new 'items' (=domains) has quite many missing score categories and possibly one of the new items is very much bigger than the others so particular test scores can only be reached by means of getting a single possible score on one of the items,which leads to an unidentified model and an non-invertible matrix of second derivatives, which causes the first error.

The third error probably has a similar casue as the first. What the technical explanation boils down to practically is that your data is probably not suitable for summing by "questiontype" because the scores get too extreme or sparse in some way. It is possible that this can be resolved by gathering more responses but without looking at your data I really cannot say.

WrdeVries commented 1 year ago

Thank you for this clearly laid out answer. This answers my questions. It has also helped me decide that, for now, I will not be using the fit domain function.

I do wonder whether Dexter has other options that could help me analyse two differing domains. These domains being: multiple choice and constructed responses (or open ended text questions). Preferably in a way that I can compare between tests.

jessekps commented 1 year ago

There are some options.


db = start_new_project(verbAggrRules, ":memory:")
add_booklet(db, verbAggrData, "agg")
add_item_properties(db, verbAggrProperties)


items = get_items(db) |> inner_join(tia$items,by='item_id')

ggplot(items,aes(x=rir,color=mode,fill=mode)) +
  geom_density(alpha=0.5) +
  theme_minimal() +

ggplot(items,aes(x=pvalue,color=mode,fill=mode)) +
  geom_density(alpha=0.5) +
  theme_minimal() +

pval rir

WrdeVries commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the response. I will check out whether the latent_cor yields interesting results in my case.

For now, I am using the profile_tables function to calculate expected domain scores. I can then use these in a further analysis which is based on a paper by N. Verhelst : Balance: A Neglected Aspect of Reporting Test Results. If you are interested I can elaborate further.

Thanks a lot for the explanations!

jessekps commented 1 year ago

That's another good direction. All depends on what your purpose is I suppose. I know the article. If something interesting comes out I'd be interested to hear about it. You can email me, the address is in the description file. Good luck!