dflemstr / rq

Record Query - A tool for doing record analysis and transformation
Apache License 2.0
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Update dependencies based on running cargo upgrade #237

Closed jauderho closed 1 year ago

jauderho commented 1 year ago

This updates dependencies to latest compatible versions as determined by cargo upgrade. It does not include any incompatible changes.

    Updating 'https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index' index
    Checking record-query's dependencies
name           old req compatible latest  new req note        
====           ======= ========== ======  ======= ====        
built          0.5.1   0.5.2      0.6.0   0.5.2   incompatible
env_logger     0.9.0   0.9.3      0.10.0  0.9.3   incompatible
regex          1.3.1   1.7.1      1.7.1   1.7.1               
vergen         7.0.0   7.5.1      7.5.1   7.5.1               
csv            1.1.6   1.2.1      1.2.1   1.2.1               
directories    4.0.1   4.0.1      5.0.0   4.0.1   incompatible
dtoa           0.4.4   0.4.8      1.0.6   0.4.8   incompatible
env_logger     0.7.1   0.7.1      0.10.0  0.7.1   incompatible
glob           0.3.0   0.3.1      0.3.1   0.3.1               
itoa           0.4.4   0.4.8      1.0.6   0.4.8   incompatible
nix            0.24.1  0.24.3     0.26.2  0.24.3  incompatible
ordered-float  3.0.0   3.4.0      3.4.0   3.4.0               
pest           2.1.3   2.5.6      2.5.6   2.5.6               
protobuf       2.8.2   2.28.0     3.2.0   2.28.0  incompatible
serde          1.0.137 1.0.157    1.0.157 1.0.157             
serde-protobuf 0.8.1   0.8.2      0.8.2   0.8.2               
serde_json     1.0.81  1.0.94     1.0.94  1.0.94              
serde_yaml     0.9.16  0.9.19     0.9.19  0.9.19              
avro-rs        0.6.5   0.6.6      0.13.0  0.6.6   incompatible
toml           0.6.0   0.6.0      0.7.3   0.6.0   incompatible
   Upgrading recursive dependencies