: Inverse Laplace Transform (ILT) objects, optimized for β-NMR SLR dataTable of Contents
The bILT
package provides two objects: ilt
and bILT
. Both take the inverse Laplace transform of a data set, but the latter is optimized for β-NMR data. We now outline the API:
Object constructor
ilt(x, y=None, yerr=None, fn=None, lamb=None, nproc=1)
x: array of time steps in data to fit
y: array of data points f(t) needing to fit
yerr: array of errors
fn: function handle with signature f(x,w)
lamb: array of transformed values corresponding to the
probabilities in the output (ex: np.logspace(-5,5,500))
nproc: number of processors to use
If x is a string, read input from filename
Object attributes
alpha: Tikhonov regularization parameter
annot: annotation object (blank, but shown on hover)
axp: L curve matplotlib axis
line: L curve line drawn, used for annotation shown on hover
chi2: chisquared value of fit
figp: L curve matplotlib figure
fity: fit function corresponding to K*p
fn: function handle with signature f(x, w)
isiter: if True, alpha is a list, not a number
maxiter: max number of iterations in solver
p: array of probabilities corresponding to w, fit results
S: diagonal error matrix: diag(1/yerr)
x: array of time steps in data to fit
y: array of data points f(t) needing to fit
yerr: array of errors
z: array of transformed values corresponding to the
probabilities in the output (e.g., np.logspace(-5, 5, 500))
Object public functions
Function | Description |
draw(self, alpha=None, fig=None) |
Draw fit or range of fits |
draw_fit(self, alpha, ax=None) |
Draw the fit and the data |
draw_gcv(self, ax=None) |
Draw the Generalized Cross-Validation Parameter curve |
draw_Lcurve(self,*args,**kwargs) |
Draw the L curve with fancy mouse hover and highlighting |
draw_Scurve(self, threshold=-1, ax=None) |
Draw alpha vs gradient of logs |
draw_logdist(self, alpha, ax=None) |
Draw the weights as a function of lamb, normalized for a log distribution of lambda |
draw_weights(self, alpha, ax=None) |
Draw the weights as a function of lamb |
fit(self, alpha, maxiter=None) |
Run the non-negative least squares algorithm for a single value of alpha (the regularization parameter) or an array of alphas |
get_alpha(self) |
Return the set of alphas used |
get_chi2(self, alpha=None) |
Calculate and return the chisquared for a particular value of alpha |
get_rchi2(self, alpha=None) |
Calculate and return the reduced chisquared for a particular value of alpha |
get_fit(self, alpha) |
Calculate and return the fit points for a particular value of alpha |
get_gcv(self) |
Calculate the generalized cross-validation parameter |
get_gcv_opt(self) |
Calculate alpha_opt based on the generalized cross-validation parameter (min gcv) |
get_Lcurve(self) |
return (chi, norm of weight vector) |
get_Lcurvature(self) |
find the curvature of the l curve |
get_Lcurve_opt(self,mode='auto',threshold=7) |
Find alpha opt based on the L curve |
get_Scurve(self) |
return ( alpha, rchi ) |
get_Sgrad(self) |
Get the gradient of the log of the S curve |
get_Scurve_opt(self,threshold=0.1) |
Get optimum value of alpha based on the S curve: when d ln(chi) / d ln(alpha) > threshold |
get_weights(self, alpha) |
Calculate and return the distribution of weights for a particular value of alpha |
read(self,filename) |
Read yaml file and set properties |
write(self, filename, **notes) |
Write to yaml file |
Inherits from ilt
Object constructor
bILT(bdat, rebin=1, probe='Li8', T1=1000, nproc=1)
bdat: bdata (or bmerged) object corresponding to run to analyze
OR YAML settings filename to read
rebin: rebinning in asymmetry calculation
probe: probe lifetime to use in exp calculation
T1: if int: number of T1 values in array within 0.01*tau and
else: user-specified T1 array
nproc: number of processsors to use
if run is a filename, read from that file
Object attributes (in addition to those inherited)
p_lognorm: normalized p, accounting for logarithmic bin spacing of T1
n: number of T1 values in array within 0.01*tau and 100*tau
T1: user-specified T1 array
bdat: bdata object corresponding to base data file
year: year of run
run: run number
Object functions (in addition to those inherited)
fit(alpha, n=1000, T1=None, maxiter=None)
Run the non-negative least squares algorithm for a single value of
alpha, the regularization parameter
alpha: Tikhonov regularization parameter (may be list or number)
Try somewhere between 1e2 and 1e8
n: number of T1 values in array within 0.01*tau and40214 100*tau
(ignored if T1 is not none)
T1: user-specified T1 array
maxiter: max number of iterations in solver
same as
Draw the normalized probabilty distribution, assyming a logarithmic
distribution of T1.
alpha_opt: optimal alpha to use in ILT procedure
from bILT import ilt
# Make some test data
x = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
y = x ** 2
dy = np.random.random(len(x)) * 0.1
# we're going to fit this with some linear combination of exponentials
fn = lambda x, w : w * x ** 2
# make the transformation object
trans = ilt(x, y, dy, fn)
# select a range of alphas to test
alpha = np.logspace(-1, 2, 100)
# select the distribution for which we want to find the appropriate weights
w = np.logspace(-2, 5, 50)
# find the probability distribution, w)
# draw the diagnostic curves
# draw the fit with alpha = 1
from bILT import bILT
import bdata as bd
# setup
trans = bILT(bd.bdata(40214, 2009))
# select a range of alphas to test
alpha = np.logspace(2, 8, 100)
# fit, 100)
# draw the diagnostic curves
# draw the fit with alpha = 4e4