dgarijo / Widoco

Wizard for documenting ontologies. WIDOCO is a step by step generator of HTML templates with the documentation of your ontology. It uses the LODE environment to create part of the template.
Apache License 2.0
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Identify type of property assertion for individuals that reference external properties. #667

Closed vChavezB closed 6 months ago

vChavezB commented 6 months ago

The xslt parser ignores named individual assertions whose URI is not defined in the ontology.


This means that any assertion which relates to an external ontology will not be displayed.

How to reproduce

I made a small ontology sample to reproduce this (turtle file with txt extension due to github blacklisting .ttl files)


These are my assertions for individual car 1. Please ignore the nonsense of the assertions, I just wanted to do a quick test on different scenarios.


and how it looks in WIdoco



As we already have the ontology loaded in Widoco with the owlapi, it would be nice to enrich the metadata for external assertions from the ontology itself if provided. Please check my draft PR for my suggestion #668

I thought of this since I am working with the QUDT ontology and there you get all assertions for individuals independent if the assertions relate to object properties, named inviduals or data properties that are imported from another ontology.



dgarijo commented 6 months ago

Addressed in develop, will be there in the next release