Closed dheimgartner closed 1 week ago
the observed bias disappears:devtools::load_all()
sim_dat <- opsr_simulate()
dat <- sim_dat$data
dat$yo <- dat$yo + 10 # shift to avoid log of neg
dat$log_yo <- log(dat$yo + 1)
fit <- opsr(ys | yo ~ xs1 + xs2 | xo1 + xo2, dat)
fit_log <- opsr(ys | log_yo ~ xs1 + xs2 | xo1 + xo2, dat)
texreg::screenreg(list(fit, fit_log))
compare_fun <- function(fit, group, type = "unlog-response") {
p <- predict(fit, group = group, type = type) # counterfact = group
compare <- data.frame(
yo = subset(dat, subset = ys == group, select = yo),
yo_pred = na.omit(p)
title <- paste0("'group' = ", group)
plot(compare, xlim = c(0, max(compare)), ylim = c(0, max(compare)), main = title)
abline(a = 0, b = 1, col = "red")
par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
compare_fun(fit_log, group = 1)
compare_fun(fit_log, group = 2)
compare_fun(fit_log, group = 3)
these extreme values are really just what the model implies (because of the very big rho3
). It is not a bug (e.g., when the counterfactual is equal to the group the predictions lign up on the diagonal and the counterfactual for the regimes with smaller rho
makes also sense).
It predicts very extreme values (way out of range of original