dhis2 / dhis2-server-tools

Tools to support installation and management of DHIS2
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Table of contents


This is a quick DHIS2 install guide using ansible. At the end, you will have one or more dhis2 instances running, configured with postgreSQL database and nginx or apache2 proxy. Out of the box, you'll benefit from comprehensive application and server resource monitoring with Glowroot APM (Application Performance Monitoring) and a Munin instance.

At the moment, the tools support two deployment architectures:-

You can also do a hybrid of both. Read more on Architectures

Installation with LXD containers

Step 0 — Before you start

Ensure you have:

Step 1 — SSH to your server (where you want to install DHIS2) and enable firewall.

Step 2 — Grab the deployment tools from github

Step 3 — Create hosts file

Step 4 — Set fqdn, email, and timezone

Step 5 — The Install

Install on physical/virtual servers.

Step 0: Before you start, make sure you have the following:

Step 1: Access deployment server (ansible-controller) via SSH

Step 2: Install ansible on the deployment server

  sudo apt -y update
  sudo apt install -y  software-properties-common
  sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
  sudo apt install -y ansible

Step 3: Grab deployment tools from github

Step 4: Create hosts file (from the hosts template)

Step 5: Set fqdn, email, timezone and ansible_connection=ssh

Step 6: Ensure connection to the managed hosts works

Step 7: Run the playbook


Adding a new instance

Using a Custom TLS Certificate


Other important links