diegodobelo / AndroidExpandingViewLibrary

This is a library to help creating expanding views with animation in Android
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Can I add 1 more sub category? #27

Open yilmaz-gokhan opened 4 years ago

yilmaz-gokhan commented 4 years ago

Can I do this?

Title-1 Title 1.1 Title 1.1.1 Title 1.2 Title 1.2.1 Title-2 Title 2.1 Title 2.1.1

omarel3ashry commented 4 years ago

I tried to modify the source code a little bit, by adding createExpandingSupItem that have enough height to display its child, but it wasn't precise or good enough, so my temporary solution is to append "\n" like "row1 \n row2" and it shows in one sup item like this row1 row2

majidjamhsidi commented 3 years ago

hi , yes , i want to expand to 3 level ? how do this