diegose / NHibernate.Diegose

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Contributions #1

Open TheCloudlessSky opened 11 years ago

TheCloudlessSky commented 11 years ago

Hi @diegose !

I love this project since it solves such an important issue that I've always had with NHibernate: querying inside of the domain model without access to NHibernate.

I have a fourth coming pull-request that attempts to do a few of things:

  1. Fix the .gitignore so that it'll ignore SQLite's DLLs after package restore.
  2. Fix an issue I was having when running the tests "Operation could no destabilize the runtime" - which might be a compiler bug.
  3. Optimize the reflection-based method calls so that they use lambdas and we increase performance.
  4. Fix a bug where I was getting the following exception when a particular query order was specified (failing test included).

System.ArgumentException : The type or method has 3 generic parameter(s), but 2 generic argument(s) were provided. A generic argument must be provided for each generic parameter.

Are these things something you're interested in including and pushing? I'm just getting started with the project but plan to use it throughout all of our applications.



diegose commented 11 years ago

Contributions are absolutely welcome.

I can't guarantee a release date, but I'll certainly do my best to include them. Make sure there are unit tests for all issues (if possible, one commit with the failing test, another with the fix)
