diennea / bookkeeper-visual-manager

A visual interface for Apache BookKeeper
Apache License 2.0
62 stars 17 forks source link
admin-dashboard bookkeeper java user-interface visual-interface

BKVM - Visual Manager for Apache BookKeeper

Bookkeeper Visual Manager is an open source visual interface for Apache Bookkeeper.





Log in

Use the default account (admin) and the default password (admin) to log in.


Bookies status

Bookies availability (AVAILABLE, DOWN, READONLY) and disk usage.


Ledgers monitoring

Search for specific ledgers and ledgers metadata. Monitor ledger disk usage and replication factor.


Bookies configuration




In order to run BookKeeper Visual Manager you just need a Unix Machine and Java 8 runtime.

In order to develop BookKeeper Visual Manager you need Maven 3.6.x and Yarn.

Using the provided release packages

Download a release package from github releases page. Unzip the package

Configure the service by editing conf/server.properties By default we will connect to ZooKeeper at localhost, like when you are using BookKeeper standalone.

Start the service

bin/service server start

Open your browser at http://localhost:4500

Username and passwords are: admin/admin


You can build the docker image by running:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

Then you can run the container and the service will be listening on

docker run --rm -p 4500:4500 -e BKVM_metadataServiceUri='zk+null://<my-zookeeper>:2181/ledgers' bkvm/bkvm:latest

Please note that using this configuration the database will be persisted locally.

If you want instead to rely on BookKeeper for all the BKVM data (cluster configuration, bookies metadata) you can run the docker with the JDBC url option:

 docker run --rm -p 4500:4500 -e BKVM_metadataServiceUri='zk+null://bk:2181/ledgers' \
   -e BKVM_jdbc_url='jdbc:herddb:zookeeper:<my-zookeeper>:2181/herddb?server.mode=diskless-cluster' bkvm/bkvm:latest

Thanks to HerdDb diskless-cluster mode, the BKVM container is stateless.

Deploy BKVM on Kubernetes using Helm

You can use the sample Helm Chart to bootstrap BKVM on k8s.

Deploy the war application using Maven Jetty Plugin

git clone https://github.com/diennea/bookkeeper-visual-manager.git
cd bookkeeper-visual-manager
mvn clean install -DskipTests

To pass the Metadata Service URI connection string you have to set the system property bookkeeper.visual.manager.metadataServiceUri or run the provided script in bin folder.


./bin/run_dev.sh $BVM_SERVICEURI $BVM_PORT

Deploy the war application on container

You can also deploy the target/bookkeeper-visual-manager-XX.XX.war on your container passing the bookkeeper.visual.manager.metadataServiceUri location in a system property.

Deploy the war application using Maven Jetty Runner

Download the jetty-runner jar available at Maven Central.


# Environment Variable configuration
BVM_CONF_PATH=/path/to/conf java -jar jetty-runner.jar $BVM_WAR_PATH --port $BVM_PORT

Advanced configuration

In order to use a more advanced configuration you need to provide to the application a key/value properties file. An example file is provided in the conf/ folder. The provided file can also be your Bookkeeper Server configuration.

Property Value
metadataServiceUri Location of the Bookkeeper Server.
zkConnectionTimeout First connection timeout.
zkTimeout Zookeeper session timeout.

You can provide this file to the application in three ways:

  1. System Property: bookkeeper.visual.manager.config.path

    mvn jetty:run \
        -Dbookkeeper.visual.manager.config.path=$BVM_CONF_PATH \
  2. Environment Variable: BVM_CONF_PATH

    BVM_CONF_PATH=path/to/conf java -jar jetty-runner.jar $BVM_WAR_PATH --port $BVM_PORT
  3. Deployment Descriptor: bookkeeper.visual.manager.config.path in the web.xml

Development of the front-end

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Make sure you have installed node (v11.8.0) and yarn (1.19.1).
  3. Go into the frontend folder src/main/bvmui
  4. Install dependencies (use yarn install command)
  5. Auto reload (use yarn serve command)
    cd src/main/bvmui
    yarn install
    yarn serve
  6. Build (use yarn build command)

Getting Involved

Feel free to create issues and pull request in order to interact with the community.

Please let us know if you are trying out this project, we will be happy to hear about your user case and help you.

Release commands

git checkout master
mvn release:prepare
mvn release:perform

Release the chart

  1. Update the chart version in kubernetes/bkvm/Chart.yaml.
  2. version=0.0.2
    git commit -am "Release chart $version"
    git tag bkvm-$version
    git push
    git push --tags


Bookkeeper Visual Manager is under Apache 2 license.