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Streamline DAHI workflow via GitHub #148

Closed rcrath closed 8 years ago

rcrath commented 8 years ago

Octopus to cuttle fish -- still lots of tentacles, but now they all point generally in the same direction. see IO 0) Thought a lot about inculcating /behavior/ over introducing more technology to the DAHI group, thus:

1) Introduciton of "Teas," more focused means of getting DAHI members to focus on specific issues and generate results - e.g. R, Art

2) begun thinking specifically about more direct student involvement in DAHI - Rich's 2 HIST classes

3) Begun development of specific teams, taking scattered projects from different disciplines and turning them into a focused effort -- e.g. CorText as derivative of Karen Jolly glossing and Noelani kanikau.

4) Leveraging community-related projects and supporting them via DAHI resources - 3 The Hard Way turning into mJuke.

5) Begun "achievements" system as a light weight intervention to begin connecting people across the initiative with various tasks or needs -- also feeds into and from the HTA (strengthening museums) project with Noelle Kahanu, Karen Kosasa, et. al.