digital-preservation / PRONOM_Research

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New format signature variant for ZIP - X-fmt/263 #42

Closed Dclipsham closed 4 months ago

Dclipsham commented 7 months ago

This is spawned from a discussion over on the Siegfried repo:

Please add a second variant signature to the existing ZIP Format entry (x-fmt/263): Siganture Name: Zip Format - Empty Zip Signature Description: BOF: 'PK', 0x0506 denoting the end of the central directory Signature, BOF offset 0, maximum offset 0: 504B0506

Note, this should be strong enough as it is (4 byte mix of ASCII & binary with an exact position), but it could be strengthened if needed by using subsequent 0x0000 blocks as described on @marhop comment:

An example is enclosed:

This issue was initially raised by @JanVomlel

tnafrancesca commented 7 months ago

The new signature will be added to the latest release. Would it be possible to have a list of everyone who contributed (and how they would wish to be credited on the PRONOM website). I'll be putting the new test signature online at the end of the day for any testing you may wish to do.

JanVomlel commented 7 months ago

Thank you @tnafrancesca for the quick reaction.

This bug was found by the Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University