digital-standard / ThreeDPoseUnityBarracuda

Unity sample of 3D pose estimation using Barracuda
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Unable to reproduce sample output #2

Open gpavanb1 opened 4 years ago

gpavanb1 commented 4 years ago

Machine : Macbook Pro (with Intel graphics card) OS : Mac OS X (10.14.6) Unity : 2019.2.12.f1

I followed the steps provided in the README and only the video plays on the screen. There is no change in Unitychan. Can you clarify what is 'Start Debug'?

h-nakae commented 4 years ago

Hi, Actually we did not try this code on Mac. Is there any error log on the console? That will be helpful, if you could tell me that.


gpavanb1 commented 4 years ago

Is GPU compulsory for this? I've tried the same in Windows 10 also and am not getting the pose estimation.

Windows 10 Pro Intel HD5500 Graphics Barracuda 0.4 using ONNX in link Unity Version: 2019.2.12f1

gpavanb1 commented 4 years ago

Do you have any update on this?

h-nakae commented 4 years ago

sorry for my late answering. Firstly this needs GPU. At least GeForce GTX 970 is necessary and we recommend 1060 or the upper version for that.

About updating, we are planning that including the light weight version, so please wait a bit.

gpavanb1 commented 4 years ago

Sure no problem. Please provide an update once it is available.

vxltersmith commented 4 years ago

Hi! I was hanging with this project, and you definitely did a great job! But I experiencing same issue. I have Win10, Nvidia GTX960 and i've tried different versions of unity.

Actually I'm a deep learning r&d engineer and had some experience of C# in my past career, so I've tried VS debugging and tried to guess what was wrong with project, but had not succeed yet.

what I noticed: 1) Main Camera -

vxltersmith commented 4 years ago

Also it keeps throwing this messages:


vxltersmith commented 4 years ago

so, I think, that net is actually working and script is actually getting called, but, for some reason out ether not correct, or output of script is not handled properly for some reason. As far as I came with debugger, net definitely returns some numbers, but I didn't checked if it's actually not zeroes or something

h-nakae commented 4 years ago

sorry to be late.

Thanks for your information. We are checking the issue you made. Please wait for a while.

lqql2012 commented 4 years ago

I also can't reproduce the result by,i use ubuntu16.0 1060GPU unity2019.3

h-nakae commented 4 years ago

hi, actually we did not try this on Ubunts... Could you try on Windows??

fm64hylian commented 4 years ago

same error, unitychan does not move neither video or web cam, the missing script that vxltersmith mentions is also there.

Windows 10 Intel(R) HD Graphics 4400 Barracuda 0.4 Unity 2019.2.12f1

h-nakae commented 4 years ago

hi, The gpu does not seem to be enough to work for this. One of our recommend gpu's performance is about 8.8 TELFLOPS.