digitalbazaar / bedrock-angular-searchbox

Front end input controls to handle and transform advanced search queries
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Material design strategy #4

Open mattcollier opened 7 years ago

mattcollier commented 7 years ago

This is a general question which happens to have immediate application to this component.

We currently have need of a material themed version of this component. What is our strategy for incorporating material design buttons and inputs etc.?

Are we wholesale replacing boostrap classes with material design and making a major release?

dlongley commented 7 years ago

We should do what we did with the others and create a 'theme' option. When it is set to 'material', we will do this:

"...wholesale replacing bootstrap classes with material design"

And then when that's done we can just a do a minor release with the new feature.

mattcollier commented 7 years ago

@dlongley so I'm clear on your suggestion...

you're saying that everywhere we have a

dlongley commented 7 years ago


If we really want to support multiple themes, is there a more generalized approach we can take?

Yes, we could, for example, have a generalized "theme" service that bedrock components use, but we haven't had time to design and implement that. So I went with "do whatever the other components have been doing so far to get it done quickly".

So, for example, would it make more sense to create a sort of component?

I'm ok with that approach for now as well. It's a good idea anyway to give us better control over styling common buttons in general.