dilevin / computer-graphics-meshes

Computer Graphics Assignment about Meshes
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Per vertex normals vs. per corner normals #39

Open ginkxo opened 4 years ago

ginkxo commented 4 years ago

So it appears my per-corner normals implementation gives a cup that looks exactly identical to the per-vertex normals implementation (including some blurriness), mostly because it seems that every adjacent face's dot product is less than the provided dihedral 20. is this expected for the example?


I tried to see if there was a difference when not including the normal of the face whose current corner it belonged to in the calculation of the weighted normal sum, and there were clear artifacts:


songfeil commented 4 years ago

I don't think that's expected for the example. Maybe there's something wrong with the implementation.

The per corner normal should have sharper edges like the example in the README.

amirhmk commented 4 years ago

Make sure you pay attention to the units of what's passed in