dimdenGD / OldTwitter

Extension to return old Twitter layout from 2015 / 2018.
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My account has been permanently suspended #828

Open typedrat opened 1 month ago

typedrat commented 1 month ago

I can't think of anything else that I could have done to violate the "X" Rules other than using this browser extension, and I have been permanently suspended from Twitter without any explanation. If I appeal, I immediately get a rejection email within thirty seconds.

I'd be careful using this.

kokoropaint commented 1 month ago

Want to comment that my appeals have gone through but haven't been accepted yet, so I'm not sure. Someone else was able to get their account back. I wonder if too many bots are getting banned for similar reasons.

infinitephantasm commented 1 month ago

how'd you even manage to get in an appeal at all?? no matter how many i send, or how much i change the report text, i always just get a denial within only like 5 seconds

TheUltraBadDuck commented 1 month ago

I got the same problem. Did anyone solve this?

makeamovie commented 1 month ago

This happened to me too. Really fucking pissed at this.

All I see is "Unlock more posts by subscribing"

emmanu888 commented 1 month ago

I'm starting to think they're cracking down on extensions that changes the look of the site or how you use it.

And honestly i hate it.

typedrat commented 1 month ago

how'd you even manage to get in an appeal at all?? no matter how many i send, or how much i change the report text, i always just get a denial within only like 5 seconds

That's exactly my experience, but that is still submitting an appeal.

makeamovie commented 1 month ago

I'm starting to think they're cracking down on extensions that changes the look of the site or how you use it.

And honestly i hate it.

I don't think they're doing that specifically. OldTwitter is basically a new client, so I would somewhat understand why after the API changes. There is a reason you cannot use the extension signed out

defski commented 1 month ago

How would they even know you're using an extension... I don't they would care, otherwise they'd block the api altogether.

LabRatMime commented 1 month ago

I just got suspended again, I'm awaiting my appeal.

PanNyaa commented 1 month ago

I also experienced the same issue (permanent account suspension) while using the OldTwitterLayout a few days ago. I have never used OldTweetDeck, which allows you to use paid features for free, as I judged it to be too risky. Therefore, I cannot deny the possibility that users of OldTwitterLayout are being detected by Twitter staff in some way. Considering that this add-on has been removed from the Firefox add-on page not once, but twice, it is also possible that “someone” has raised an objection to Mozilla.

dimdenGD commented 1 month ago

I also experienced the same issue (permanent account suspension) while using the OldTwitterLayout a few days ago. I have never used OldTweetDeck, which allows you to use paid features for free, as I judged it to be too risky. Therefore, I cannot deny the possibility that users of OldTwitterLayout are being detected by Twitter staff in some way. Considering that this add-on has been removed from the Firefox add-on page not once, but twice, it is also possible that “someone” has raised an objection to Mozilla.

Firefox removal is completely unrelated. Also they don't specifically target OldTwitter, it's targetting all unsigned requests to Twitter API, which only happen if your browser failed to get their generator script for some reason (main causes are: old browser, social network tracker blockers settings in browsers and extensions to block them)

notzetkin commented 1 month ago

Okay, but what am i supposed to do then? Happened to me almost a week ago, finally was pointed to this issue, appeals, as it was said before, do nothing. What is there to do? Don't think creating a new account will help because my second account was banned in minutes after i switched to it.

itsTyrion commented 1 month ago

My account I used since 2017 also got suspended, no reason given, appeal automatically denied after < 20 sec. Could be nothing, but there's a non-zero chance it's related. I've also had "unusual activity" a few times out of the blue on PC and on PC only so maybe it triggers some idiotic useless spam check? I had "unusual activity" on my 2nd account I'm now using as well... Just disabled the extension to be safe(r)

defski commented 1 month ago

How would they even know you're using an extension... I don't they would care, otherwise they'd block the api altogether.

lol nevermind, my account just got locked, and I had to solve an annoying captcha to unlock it, then it threatened to have my account suspended if it happened again. Removing this extension, I just can't risk losing my account from 2011 altogether. Thanks for the hard work, dev, but this is farewell.