dimven / NavisPythonShell

An IronPython console for Navisworks
MIT License
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Readme - Plugin Folder Location #1

Closed Dennis-Eldridge closed 4 years ago

Dennis-Eldridge commented 6 years ago

In the readme the plugin folder is under %programdata% not %appdata%.

pabloderen commented 6 years ago

But the readme says %appdata%?

dimven commented 6 years ago

Navisworks has multiple load paths for plugins: http://adndevblog.typepad.com/aec/2013/05/navisworks-2014-api-new-feature-one-more-path-to-load-plugin.html

The advantage of choosing the user folder is that you don't have to deal with raised privileges. The disadvantage is that if a PC has multiple accounts, then other accounts will not load the plugin.