dineshkummarc / DashboardX2.0

A Sequel Named DashboardX2.0 (https://github.com/dineshkummarc/DashboardX2.0) to the DashboardX (https://github.com/dineshkummarc/DashboardX). this code is only the folder architecture of source code and this project is not updated herein in as this project is a closed source project copyrighted by dineshkummarc and/or denno-secqtinstien. P.S. the issues for this organisation or Projects are not closed else are only marked as Fixed. so if you see the open issues in the list donot hesitate to see the list of fixed issues in the list as well. because these are the count for the resolved features in the project. Hence Download and fork is not Recommended for this Repo.
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Task : Implement Export (Zip, Excel, PDF and Doc file Types supported) Functionality within DashboardX #291

Open dineshkummarc opened 8 years ago

dineshkummarc commented 8 years ago

Task : Implement Export (Zip, Excel, PDF and Doc file Types supported) Functionality within DashboardX

dineshkummarc commented 8 years ago

Module Type Role Export Type Email Type Zip Excel Pdf Doc Address Book Addition User Yes yes Yes No No Admin Management Admin Yes yes Yes No Yes Applications Show User No No No No No Appointment Management User yes yes Yes No No Card Designer User Yes No No No Yes Charity Show User No yes Yes No Yes Career Career User No No No Yes Yes Chat User User No No No No No Commission Addition User Yes yes Yes Yes Yes Compiler Show User No No No No No Conversations Management User Yes yes Yes Yes No Cooking Show User No No Yes Yes Yes Corporate EC User No No No No No Dev-Standards Show User No No Yes Yes No Dmail User User No No No No Yes Download User User Yes yes No No Yes Edn User User No No No No No Engine User User No No No No No Entourage Addition User No No No No Yes Epress Show User No No No No No ErlsGames Games User No No No No Yes Fax User User Yes No Yes Yes Yes Hogzilla Security User No No No No Yes Horo User User Yes yes Yes Yes Yes Innovations User User Yes yes No No Yes Interpretations User User No No No No No Journal User User No No No No No Magazine User User No No No No No Media User User No No No No No News User User No No No No Yes Paint User User No No No No No Productlist EC User No No No No No Products-Review EC User No No No No No Products EC User No No No No No ProjectManagement Management User Yes yes Yes Yes Yes QA User User No No No No No QA-Standards User User No No No No No School User User No No No No No Shopping Management User No No No No Yes Sms Management User No No No No Yes Standards User User No No No No No Texteditor Show User No No Yes Yes No Tutorials Management User No No Yes Yes Yes Userprofile User User No No No No No Validator User User No No No No No Webarchieves User User Yes yes Yes Yes No Widgetlab User User Yes yes Yes Yes No

dineshkummarc commented 8 years ago

The related tickets for the listed modules can be created for this functionality, as this would be a Critical Change in dashboardx so all of the related tickets should be linked with this ticket and all of the tickets should be fixed separately. However a single ticket can mention all type of exports (zip, Excel and PDF).

cc/ @denno-secqtinstien @Neha-choudhary

dineshkummarc commented 8 years ago

forgot to add Doc type for Export. so adding it here. also i have updated the title and summary for the same.

cc/ @denno-secqtinstien @Neha-choudhary

dineshkummarc commented 8 years ago

Module Address Book [Implemented by https://github.com/dineshkummarc/DashboardX/issues/436] Admin Applications Appointment Card Charity Career Chat Commission Compiler Conversations Cooking Corporate Dev-Standards Dmail Download Edn Engine Entourage Epress ErlsGames Fax Hogzilla Horo Innovations Interpretations Journal Magazine Media News Paint Productlist Products-Review Products ProjectManagement QA QA-Standards School Shopping Sms Standards Texteditor Tutorials Userprofile Validator Webarchieves Widgetlab