district0x / district-proposals

Proposals for new districts to be built by the district0x Team.
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DP #196 - Ethertain: A decentralized entertainment platform #196

Open MatthewDLudwig opened 6 years ago

MatthewDLudwig commented 6 years ago

District Name: Ethertain

Author: Chugwig (Matthew Ludwig)


The current entertainment system is extremely centralized and Youtube is a perfect example of a platform that desperately needs decentralization. Ethertain will provide users with music and videos at a low cost payed for each 10 minutes of content. Along with this, content creators will receive the best possible split of all money made through their content and will be able to choose how the platform evolves if they own DNT.


When I watch anything online nowadays I have two main questions. The first is whether we truly get the full value out of the many subscriptions that exist just to watch the plethora of different medias. The second question is whether the content creators are getting their money fairly or whether a decent portion is kept by the publisher. With youtube I don't personally have red but can't imagine there is much value in it, and many content creators complain about everything from low pay to demonetization on videos.

Ethertain is different in many ways, but my first goal was to answer these two questions. In order to get full value out of any monthly service, you should simply change the payment plan from monthly to being based on actual use. You see this often with cloud storage services, and the solution with Ethertain is paying on 10 minute intervals. As for the question of content creators earning a fair pay from the Ethertain platform, currently on youtube the split is around 45/55 with content producers only getting 55% of the profit. With these numbers it should be easy to provide more profit and I would love to be able to keep the split around 5/95 with content producers taking 95% of the profit made of their media.

district0x will be extremely useful for making this project as the community will be able to direct the future of the platform (something youtube desperately needs right now) through district voting. If possible I would love to have an additional pool of DNT tokens to provide to content creators based on their overall viewing times simply for voting purposes, but either way any creators with DNT will be able to put in their say on the platforms future. Many of the variables within the payment system can be altered through voting along with the payout price for checking videos.

The Subscription System:

Within the Ethertain platform media will be split up in 3 ways, each within the previous. When viewing the subscriptions feed (or suggested or just to search) you will need to select a media type for the content to be filtered by. From there the content will be displayed to the user grouped up by category and further by sub-category. This will allow for more organized subscriptions and users will be able to find the content they wish to watch easier. Content Creators will also see less issues with released content reaching those that are subscribed as it won't get buried by massive amounts of unorganized content.

One of the first decisions I would like serious input from the community on is the inclusion of adult material in Ethertain. I feel that Ethertain should be more than just youtube or crunchyroll and really represent entertainment payed with a token on the Ethereum network. For that should we really separate normal entertainment and adult entertainment as keeping them together may better represent entertainment? If we choose to leave out adult material, detecting rule breakers would be a larger part of the currently suggested duplicate detection system. More focus would be on finding adult material along with preventing plagiarism and other rule breaking (completely NSFW material). If we choose to have adult material, we could make it a distinct media type (not a category) which would allow for it to be separated in the feed, blocked by age, or blocked by parental account permission (ethereum address family relationships is a neat concept). I would love to hear some of the communities opinions on the inclusion of adult material in ethertain.

My ETH address: 0x844a2Fcbc127980b158a04c054A22545a6f44c50

Bradymck commented 4 years ago

Hey there @MatthewDLudwig

I'm not sure if you're aware but we recently launched a new bounty to migrate your proposals to the actual District Registry: https://registry.district0x.io/

We're replacing the old voting app with the registry. Let me know if you need help but I would love to see you migrate this over so you can claim your DNT.

It does take a 10,000 DNT submit to submit your proposal but this gives you an extra 2000 you can stake in the registry beyond the deposit amount.

Hit me up on Telegram or Discord if you need help or have questions.

Telegram: https://t.me/district0x/75217 Discord: https://discord.gg/P9RQejv

PS, please excuse the canned response. I am encouraging everyone here to start migrating so they can claim their 12000 DNT.