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Windows Spell Checker
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New Outlook PWA has no Divvun speller #3

Open snomos opened 10 months ago

snomos commented 10 months ago

Feedback from user:

Når vore medarbejdere skifter over til "New Outlook", image001 ... så stoppar Divvun stavekontroll med at fungera på Outlook.

Om jeg har forstått det korrekt, så er det nya outlook bygt på “Progressive Web App”, og det kræver at app’en er udviklat som et “Office Web Plugin”.

Så spørgsmålet er om det er en måde at få det til at fungera på “New Outlook”? og om i eventuelt arbejder på en løsning på dette problem?

It seems that the new outlook is in public beta at the moment, but we need to investigate and have a working solution pretty soon.

snomos commented 10 months ago

Basic, general info about New Outlook can be found e.g. here: https://lazyadmin.nl/office-365/new-outlook-for-windows/

snomos commented 10 months ago

Based on the visual clues in the small screen shot, it seems the reporter is on Windows. I have been using "New Outlook" on the Mac for a while, and spelling seems to be supported via the regular MS Office speller service (ie no support for our speller, or the macOS system speller).

In the best of cases, we only need to update registry settings on Windows to support the new Outlook. But further investigations are needed.

snomos commented 10 months ago

Outlook Help menu on the Mac, showing I am on the New Outlook:


snomos commented 10 months ago

Specifying spelling language in New Outlook on the Mac:


gives this dialog:


ie the standard MS Office language selection dialog, with no traces of Faroese, Sámi languages, or anything else that we support. This is no surprise on the Mac, as we don't have working support for MS Office, I just wanted to document how spelling and language selection seems to be integrated in the New Outlook on the Mac side of things.

snomos commented 10 months ago

Based on the above, there is hope that spelling in New Outlook on Windows works in a similar way, and just needs a registry update. But that needs further investigation to find out.