Good morning, and congratulations for this promising update of diyabc.
I am experiencing some troubles while trying to upload an IndSeq SNP data file to the graphical user interface.
In R, I get the following message in the consol:
Warning in parallel::mclapply(X[Split[[i]]], FUN, ..., mc.cores = as.integer(cl)) :
all scheduled cores encountered errors in user code
and then...
_[1] "Issue when checking IndSeq SNP data file content: arguments imply differing number of rows: 0, 1"
Warning: Error in split.default: first argument must be a vector
52: split.default
47: check_indseq_snp_data_file
46: check_datafile
2: shiny::runApp
1: diyabc
Do you think there is something wrong with the format of the file? For information, this file could be opened without problem in diyabc-2.1.0.
Thank you for your help!
Good morning, and congratulations for this promising update of diyabc. I am experiencing some troubles while trying to upload an IndSeq SNP data file to the graphical user interface. In R, I get the following message in the consol:
Warning in parallel::mclapply(X[Split[[i]]], FUN, ..., mc.cores = as.integer(cl)) : all scheduled cores encountered errors in user code and then... _[1] "Issue when checking IndSeq SNP data file content: arguments imply differing number of rows: 0, 1" Warning: Error in split.default: first argument must be a vector 52: split.default 47: check_indseq_snp_data_file 46: check_datafile 45:
2: shiny::runApp
1: diyabc
Do you think there is something wrong with the format of the file? For information, this file could be opened without problem in diyabc-2.1.0. Thank you for your help!