diyhue / Lights

DIY lights with support for diyHue
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GNU Zipped firmware file for Athom ESP8266 #150

Open Ankonian1 opened 3 weeks ago

Ankonian1 commented 3 weeks ago

Would love to get this controller’s firmware updated to use it as a gradient strip. I would need to download it manually and then upload via WLED as there is no way to connect the controller to a PC. Below are some links of what I have and what firmware I am currently on.

Firmware: WLED_0.14.2_ESP02_160.bin.gz


LED Strip: SK6812

mariusmotea commented 2 weeks ago

You can connect it to a PC using the UART header (3V3, TXD, RXD, GND). You only need a cheap USB to UART adapter that need to be 3.3v compatible (some are only 5V, most allow to select the voltage using a jumber). You will need to keep the device button pressed before you apply any voltage so the controller enter flash mode.

Update: connection with the adapter need to be made: GND <> GND, 3V3 <> 3V3 (or +), RX <> TX and TX <> RX.

The strip data pin need to be connected to DCLK output .