django-fluent / django-fluent-comments

A modern, ajax-based appearance for django comments
Apache License 2.0
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signal needs to be documented or improved #99

Closed bung87 closed 7 years ago

bung87 commented 7 years ago
from fluent_comments.compat import signals as comment_signals  
from fluent_comments.compat import get_model as get_comments_model
comment_signals.comment_was_posted.connect(comment_handler, sender = get_comments_model(),dispatch_uid="fluent_comments_comment_posted")

get_comments_model will return threadedcomment model class or django's comment model,so the handler function will receive different type of comment instance,I think write django-fluent-comments custom signal will be great,so developer will not confuse with this.and in fluentcomments specify a dispatch_uid to signal receiver if just use signal from django's comment signal,or use fluentcomments custom signal and in send signal to FluentComment.

vdboor commented 7 years ago

I'm curious, does it matter who the sender is? You could listen to the comment_was_posted signal directly:

from django_comments.signals import comment_was_posted

def on_comment_posted(comment, request, **kwargs):