djay / covidthailand

Thailand Covid testing and case data gathered and combined from various sources for others to download or view
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Confirmed-cases..csv encoring issue #36

Closed djay closed 3 years ago

djay commented 3 years ago

Not sure what they have done or if there is a way unencode it

Hopefully it goes away today when it next updates. But since the API version and xlsx are 3 weeks out of date and the csv has now been overwritten in the cache, it does show a weak point in the system they I'm not sure how to get around.

djay commented 3 years ago

is there anyway to unencode whatever they did to their csv file? @porames

porames commented 3 years ago

Use TIS-620 encoding. I think it's a temporary mistake but meanwhile you can decode it like this

djay commented 3 years ago

@porames worked like a charm. thats so much for that. never heard of tis-60 before.

djay commented 3 years ago

fixed in