djdd87 / SynoAI

A Synology Surveillance Station notification system utilising DeepStack AI
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add support for Google Coral (New AI) #82

Open djdd87 opened 2 years ago

djdd87 commented 2 years ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **NeverEatYellowSwissSnow** January 19, 2022 What a very cool project found! But how is a NAS its mostly weak CPU powerful enough for a deepstack AI? Are there any plans in the future to support Google Coral devices such as the Google Coral USB?
djdd87 commented 2 years ago

dotWee commented 2 years ago

I'm curious if this could work together with robmarkcole/coral-pi-rest-server:

The data returned by the app is as close as possible in format to that returned by Deepstack object detection endpoint, allowing you to use this app as the backend for HASS-Deepstack-object.

Since DeepStack AI doesn't officially support coral devices and doesn't on doing, maybe this could be an alternative (at least for the /v1/vision/detection API).