djyde / sairin

Generate a blog from GitHub Issue
198 stars 11 forks source link

Update: Reactions and Comments support #7

Closed djyde closed 2 years ago

djyde commented 2 years ago

path: reactions-and-comments

As you can see on this blog post page, reactions to the issue post were displayed above the blog content, and comments to the issue were displayed below the blog content.

Twitter post - 1 (1)

How to upgrade?

Just redeploy your Sairin blog on Vercel.

djyde commented 2 years ago

This is the first comment. Hope you all enjoy using Sairin 😺

rmdes commented 2 years ago

Now add the principles of #indieweb to it and you've got yourself the ability to fetch comments from anywhere, based on your URL check out webmentions/indieauth/micropub at / / :)

exposir commented 2 years ago

These two features are so cool !

hmphu commented 2 years ago

Wow, it's very cool project