dkogan / feedgnuplot

Tool to plot realtime and stored data from the commandline, using gnuplot.
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Nothing is happening #13

Closed nh2 closed 11 years ago

nh2 commented 11 years ago

I run (on Ubuntu 13.04):

seq 5 | awk '{print 2*$1, $1*$1}' | bin/feedgnuplot --domain

No output, no windows.

nh2 commented 11 years ago

Looks like a problem with newer gnuplot (4.4 works, 4.6 doesn't).

That's a shame, because this means it doesn't actually work on recent Ubuntus (which have 4.6) even though it's installed from the repositories!

dkogan commented 11 years ago

Niklas Hambüchen writes:

Looks like a problem with newer gnuplot (4.4 works, 4.6 doesn't).

That's a shame, because this means it doesn't actually work on recent Ubuntus (which have 4.6) even though it's installed from the repositories!

Hi. I'm certain this isn't broken on my end, so let's try to figure out what the issue is. Questions/comments:

  1. You're getting gnuplot 4.6 from APT, I presume. Where are you getting gnuplot 4.4?
  2. Have you verified that your gnuplot 4.6 installation works at all? I.e. have you tried using it without feedgnuplot?
  3. If you have a ~/.gnuplot file, can you please let me know its contents?

I have some more questions, but let's start with these.


nh2 commented 11 years ago

1) I compiled 4.4 from source after I realized it feedgnuplot worked fine on older Ubuntus, which have that version. 2) Damn you are right. Using plot in my gnuplot 4.6 doesn't pop up anything at all even with the smallest examples, while it does in 4.4. It looks like I have a gnuplot problem instead of a feedgnuplot problem ... no clue why gnuplot doesn't work though. 3) Have no such file.


dkogan commented 11 years ago

Niklas Hambüchen writes:

2) Damn you are right. Using plot in my gnuplot 4.6 doesn't pop up anything at all even with the smallest examples, while it does in 4.4. It looks like I have a gnuplot problem instead of a feedgnuplot problem ... no clue why gnuplot doesn't work though.

Aha. Good to know it's not my fault. :) More questions/comments:

  1. Which gnuplot package did you install? There's gunplot-nox, gnuplot-x11 and gnuplot-qt. If you want a graphical, interactive window, you want gnuplot-x11 or gnuplot-qt.
  2. Gnuplot has many backends, and it's possible only the one you're using is malfunctioning. Try another backend. To do that launch gnuplot, and issue 'set term x11', then try plotting something. Do this again with 'set term wxt' and with 'set term qt'. The terminal can be selected in feedgnuplot with '--terminal xxx'.
nh2 commented 11 years ago

Ah, I get it. I removed the gnuplot package before installing feedgnuplot from the repos, and feedgnuplot pulled me in the package gnuplot, which seems to be just gnoplot-nox.

Problem solved, thanks for your help!

PS: It would be nice if you could make a one line note about this in your README or INSTALL :)

csolorio commented 4 years ago

I know this is closed, but I was wondering whether experiencing the same... But in windows could be caused by gnuplot version or simply, perl doesn't behave the same between linux or windows...?

dkogan commented 4 years ago

I don't use Windows, so can't help you there at all. But if you're not able to get anything plotted with feedgnuplot, the first test is to make sure that gnuplot itself is functional.