dlvhdr / gh-dash

A beautiful CLI dashboard for GitHub πŸš€
MIT License
7.19k stars 217 forks source link
bubbles bubbletea cli cobra gh-extension github glamour go golang lipgloss terminal


✨ A GitHub (gh) CLI extension to display a dashboard with pull requests and issues by filters you care about.

Latest Release

✨ Features

πŸ“¦ Installation

  1. Install the gh CLI - see the installation

    Installation requires a minimum version (2.0.0) of the GitHub CLI that supports extensions.

  2. Install this extension:

    gh extension install dlvhdr/gh-dash
  3. To get the icons to render properly you should download and install a Nerd font from https://www.nerdfonts.com/. Then, select that font as your font for the terminal.

Installing Manually > If you want to install this extension **manually**, follow these steps: 1. Clone the repo ```shell # git git clone https://github.com/dlvhdr/gh-dash ``` ```shell # GitHub CLI gh repo clone dlvhdr/gh-dash ``` 2. Cd into it ```bash cd gh-dash ``` 3. Build it ```bash go build ``` 4. Install it locally ```bash gh extension install . ```
Updating from an older version ```bash gh extension upgrade dlvhdr/gh-dash ```
How do I get these exact colors and font? > I'm using [Alacritty](https://github.com/alacritty/alacritty) with the [tokyonight theme](https://github.com/folke/tokyonight.nvim) and the [Fira Code](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/tree/master/patched-fonts/FiraCode) Nerd Font. > For my full setup check out [my dotfiles](https://github.com/dlvhdr/dotfiles/blob/main/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml).

⚑️ Usage


gh dash

Then press ? for help.

Run gh dash --help for more info:

  gh dash [flags]

  -c, --config string   use this configuration file (default is $GH_DASH_CONFIG, or if not set, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gh-dash/config.yml)
      --debug           passing this flag will allow writing debug output to debug.log
  -h, --help            help for gh-dash

βš™οΈ Configuring

A section is defined by a:

All configuration is provided within a config.yml file under the extension's directory (either $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gh-dash or ~/.config/gh-dash/ or your OS config dir) or $GH_DASH_CONFIG.

An example config.yml file contains:

  - title: My Pull Requests
    filters: is:open author:@me
        hidden: true
        # width: <number of columns>
        # grow: <bool> this will make the column grow in size
  - title: Needs My Review
    filters: is:open review-requested:@me
  - title: Subscribed
    filters: is:open -author:@me repo:cli/cli repo:dlvhdr/gh-dash
    limit: 50 # optional limit of rows fetched for this section
  - title: Created
    filters: is:open author:@me
  - title: Assigned
    filters: is:open assignee:@me
  - title: Subscribed
    filters: is:open -author:@me repo:microsoft/vscode repo:dlvhdr/gh-dash
        grow: true,
        width: 10
        hidden: false
    # issues: same structure as prs
  prsLimit: 20 # global limit
  issuesLimit: 20 # global limit
    open: true # whether to have the preview pane open by default
    width: 60 # width in columns
  refetchIntervalMinutes: 30 # will re-fetch all sections every 30 minutes
repoPaths: # configure where to locate repos when checking out PRs
  :owner/:repo: ~/src/github.com/:owner/:repo # template if you always clone GitHub repos in a consistent location
  dlvhdr/*: ~/code/repos/dlvhdr/* # will match dlvhdr/repo-name to ~/code/repos/dlvhdr/repo-name
  dlvhdr/gh-dash: ~/code/gh-dash # will not match wildcard and map to specified path
keybindings: # optional, define custom keybindings - see more info below
theme: # optional, see more info below
  diff: less # or delta for example
confirmQuit: false # show prompt on quit or not

πŸ—ƒ Running with a different config file

You can run gh dash --config <path-to-file> to run gh-dash against another config file.

This lets you easily define multiple dashboards with different sections.
It can be useful if you want to have a 🧳 work and πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» personal dashboards, or if you want to view multiple dashboards at the same time.

⌨️ Keybindings

You can:

  1. Override the builtin commands keybindings
  2. Define your own custom keybindings to run bash commands using Go Templates.

Overriding builtin commands keybindings

To override the "checkout" keybinding you can include this in your config.yml file:

    - key: O
      builtin: checkout

The list of available builtin commands are:

  1. universal: up, down, firstLine, lastLine, togglePreview, openGithub, refresh, refreshAll, pageDown, pageUp, nextSection, prevSection, search, copyurl, copyNumber, help, quit
  2. prs: approve, assign, unassign, comment, diff, checkout, close, ready, reopen, merge, update, watchChecks, viewIssues
  3. Issues: assign, unassign, comment, close, reopen, viewPrs

To unbind the "esc" keybinding you can include this in your config.yml file:

    - key: esc

Defining custom keybindings

This is available for both PRs and Issues. For PRs, the available arguments are:

Argument Description
RepoName The full name of the repo (e.g. dlvhdr/gh-dash)
RepoPath The path to the Repo, using the config.yml repoPaths key to get the mapping
PrNumber The PR number
HeadRefName The PR's remote branch name
BaseRefName The PR's base branch name

For Issues, the available arguments are:

Argument Description
RepoName The full name of the repo (e.g. dlvhdr/gh-dash)
RepoPath The path to the Repo, using the config.yml repoPaths key to get the mapping
IssueNumber The Issue number


  1. To review a PR with either Neovim or VSCode include the following in your config.yml file:
  dlvhdr/gh-dash: ~/code/gh-dash

    - key: c
      command: >
        tmux new-window -c {{.RepoPath}} '
          gh pr checkout {{.PrNumber}} &&
          nvim -c ":DiffviewOpen master...{{.HeadRefName}}"
    - key: v
      command: >
        cd {{.RepoPath}} &&
        code . &&
        gh pr checkout {{.PrNumber}}
  1. To pin an issue include the following in your config.yml file:
    - key: P
      command: gh issue pin {{.IssueNumber}} --repo {{.RepoName}}

πŸš₯ Repo Path Matching

Repo name to path mappings can be exact match (full name, full path) or wildcard matched using the owner and partial path.

An exact match for the full repo name to a full path takes priority over a matching wildcard, and wildcard matches must match to a wildcard path.

An :owner/:repo template can be specified as a generic fallback.

  :owner/:repo: ~/src/github.com/:owner/:repo # template if you always clone GitHub repos in a consistent location
  dlvhdr/*: ~/code/repos/dlvhdr/* # will match dlvhdr/repo-name to ~/code/repos/dlvhdr/repo-name
  dlvhdr/gh-dash: ~/code/gh-dash # will not match wildcard and map to specified path

The RepoName and RepoPath keybinding arguments are fully expanded when sent to the command.

πŸ’… Custom Themes

To override the default set of terminal colors and instead create your own color scheme, you can define one in your config.yml file. If you choose to go this route, you need to specify all of the following keys as colors in hex format (#RRGGBB), otherwise validation will fail.

    sectionsShowCount: true
      showSeparator: true
      primary: "#E2E1ED"
      secondary: "#666CA6"
      inverted: "#242347"
      faint: "#3E4057"
      warning: "#F23D5C"
      success: "#3DF294"
      error: "#D20F39"
      selected: "#39386B"
      primary: "#383B5B"
      secondary: "#39386B"
      faint: "#2B2B40"

πŸͺŸ Layout

You can customize each section's layout as well as the global layout.

For example, to hide the author column for all PR sections, include the following in your config.yml.

        hidden: true


Dolev Hadar dolevc2@gmail.com