dmauro / Keypress

A keyboard input capturing utility in which any key can be a modifier key.
Apache License 2.0
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Publish to npm #83

Open kbjr opened 9 years ago

kbjr commented 9 years ago

Can we get this up on npm?

gbmoretti commented 9 years ago


browniefed commented 9 years ago

Yes, this would be extremely beneficial

dmauro commented 9 years ago

Will do. Out of curiosity, how exactly do you all plan on using this w/ Node?

browniefed commented 9 years ago

@dmauro just using NPM as a dependency manager, and then webpack to bundle everything (or browserify)

maxkorp commented 9 years ago

Yes plz. Working on an atom-shell app, so I like to manage all my deps with NPM, as atom-shell lets us just require modules from node_modules just as if it were true node (even on the client). I also use npm with webpack/browserify for static websites, just to avoid having both npm AND bower (deps becomes client deps, at that point).

maxkorp commented 9 years ago

As a note, it appears @kbjr has already done this ( but it would still be nice to have this straight from the source.

dmauro commented 9 years ago

Sorry I've dropped the ball on this. Been very busy at work lately. I'll see if I can manage it this weekend.

derhuerst commented 9 years ago

Any news on this? Any other library you recommend?

dmauro commented 9 years ago

Sorry I pushed an update and forgot I wanted to sneak this into that update. Will try to find some time soon to make another release for this. Thanks for keeping on top of me about it.

dev-tim commented 8 years ago


th3fallen commented 8 years ago

+1 if you dont mind i can publish it for you? it literally takes two seconds but would be amazing to have it up there

bortexz commented 8 years ago


I plan to use it in an Electron app, and npm is the only package manager I would like to keep

dmauro commented 8 years ago

Yeah sorry, I was trying to get this working and ran into a bug with npm. I'll give this another shot.

dhensche commented 7 years ago

Any word on this? I was hoping to use this library in a project, but I can only include new dependencies that are retrievable via npm

dmauro commented 7 years ago

I think I need to clean out old JS/NPM cruft on my machine or something. @th3fallen you mentioned you wouldn't mind handling it? I could really use the help. I need to take a minute to put a call for help on the main page too. I'm just not able to give this project the attention it needs anymore.

th3fallen commented 7 years ago

@dmauro yeah no worries i'll publish it now, and add you as an owner of it. if you need anything feel free to ask i'll lend a hand.

th3fallen commented 7 years ago

Actually @dmauro looks like @kbjr has already published a fork under the name keypress.js since there is already a package published named keypress if you could rename your package name in package.json to match keypress.js and we could sweet talk @kbjr to remove his listing we could publish this under that name.

or could always scope it so it'd appear as @dmauro/keypress when anyone wanted to install it

kbjr commented 7 years ago

That's fine with me. Let me know if you plan to move forward, and I'll take it down when you're ready to put yours up.

th3fallen commented 7 years ago

@kbjr i'll submit a Pr here to update the package name now and ping you when it gets merged and we'll be good

hustcer commented 7 years ago

Need to be updated

th3fallen commented 7 years ago

@kbjr got the package updated you can drop your's whenever you have a moment.

kbjr commented 7 years ago

seems that npm's new policy prevents me from unpublishing, i'm going to contact them now.

th3fallen commented 7 years ago

@kbjr yeah no worries.

kbjr commented 7 years ago

Okay, email sent.

kbjr commented 7 years ago

Just got a reply back

Based on recent changes to the unpublish policy, the keypress.js package doesn’t appear to be one that we would unpublish. I can, however, transfer the package to the @npm user account, deprecate it and publish a deprecation placeholder. That would remove it from your profile, alert users that it’s no longer supported, and change the output of npm owner ls keypress.js to be npm

Alternatively, I could just transfer ownership of the package over to @th3fallen user account. They could then publish an update as needed.

I've told them to transfer ownership over to you. You should be able to publish a new version then.

th3fallen commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the co-operation @kbjr is now this repo, i've added @dmauro as a collaborator as well. we should be good to go.

th3fallen commented 7 years ago

whenever you get your npm stuff sorted out let me know and i'll transfer ownership to you @dmauro

hustcer commented 7 years ago

import Keypress from 'keypress.js'; in es6 not work. It works before. There should be a keypress.js file in the root directory

kmarwood commented 7 years ago

@hustcer Yes. Either that or "main": "keypress.js" in package.json needs to change to "main": "keypress-2.1.4.min.js" or similar...