dmliao / strike

1-bit paint app
MIT License
88 stars 5 forks source link


A 1-bit painting app with some PWA support, for quick sketching or line drawing.



Strike is not meant to be a full-featured paint app, so has quite a few limitations.

How to build locally

There is no build step! Unzip the project directory, point your favorite http server at it, and the app will show up on localhost. I tend to use http-server:

cd path/to/strike/folder
npx http-server .

What about package.json?

If you just want to run the app, there's no need to run npm install - all the things needed to run the app should already be in the directory.

However, if you want to edit the app, it might be useful to install dependencies. There are a few helper scripts I wrote for specific functionality:

npm run vendor - takes the minified third-party dependencies from node_modules and copies them to the src/vendor folder, where they're consumed by the app

npm run pwa - generates splash screens and icons for making Strike into a progressive web app. I usually run ./tools/compress.js afterwards to further compress the images down. Note that the compress tool requires you to have Graphicsmagick (exposed as gm) on the path.

npm run zip - packages the app into a zip file for distribution as a download. Note that this tool assumes you have 7zip (exposed as 7z) on the path.