dmnfarrell / pandastable

Table analysis in Tkinter using pandas DataFrames.
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table.setRowColors() not working as expected #219

Closed dkwdaft closed 2 years ago

dkwdaft commented 2 years ago

hi , I'm currently trying to write a function in my application that will colour the row with a certain word located in it. I am trying to use the table.setRowColors() method to do this. I'm following the documentation located here to do this. I currently have this code: df = pt.model.df breakrows = df.index[df['Episode'] == "Break"].tolist() for row in breakrows: pt.setRowColors(row, color_code[1]) #, color_code[1] = hex colour code pt.redraw() However, it seems to be only colouring in one cell within the selected row and is interpreted differently on Mac compared to Linux. How can I make it colour the entire row? Also it is only showing the colour once it has been selected and deselected but the colour doesn't show when cell is selected. Below are some screenshots linux screenshot Screenshot from 2022-05-06 12-54-40 Mac screenshot Screenshot 2022-05-06 at 13 31 05

dkwdaft commented 2 years ago

I managed to get it sorted via the API reference docs can I suggest that for each example you link back to the API reference for the functions that are used ?

dmnfarrell commented 2 years ago

Ok thanks, I'll try to do that.