dmr-dj / pyKoeppen

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Missing dependencies in (progressbar and lcm_utils) #1

Open jypeter opened 6 months ago

jypeter commented 6 months ago

@dmr-dj the scripts requires two external scripts or modules that are not supplied in your GH page: progressbar and lcm_utils

The script currently breaks when it reaches the following lines:

import progressbar as PB
import lcm_utils as lu

I guess that the missing requirements are probably available in the local directory specified in

path_to_module = "/tertiaire/backup/014_lsce3027-2020-06-25/Soft-Devel/scripts/python"

path_to_module = "/tertiaire/backup/014_lsce3027-2020-06-25/Soft-Devel/scripts/python/python-progressbar"

People can probably replace the progress bar with tqdm, but they really need a way to download lcm_utils

dmr-dj commented 6 months ago

That's correct. lcm_utils is available there:

jypeter commented 6 months ago


We did not find this in the Overview page, but we should have looked at the Repositories page instead. You can probably add a comment about this dependency in the script