dmsurti / AssimpKit

A library (macOS, iOS) that converts the files supported by Assimp to Scene Kit scenes.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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iOS-Example Requires Adjustments to Build #77

Open kylebme opened 6 years ago

kylebme commented 6 years ago

The instructions for building and running the iOS-Example code did not work for me:

The first error is the provisioning profile/Team. It must be changed to the user's actual team to sign to code. Or set to none to run in the simulator.

The more important issue is that the framework that is included is referenced to a location that doesn't exist on my computer: /Users/Kyle/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iOS-Example-dhbxrfamklnjjgantqahedchrnis/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/AssimpKit.framework

The solution to the second issue is to use carthage with the project and follow the steps to install the framework with carthage. Or to use AssimpKit.xcworkspace to compile the framework and copy it into the iOS-Example project manually as shown in #49

dmsurti commented 6 years ago

The first error is the provisioning profile/Team. I

That's because our developer id's and hence provisioning profiles are different! This would work without change if the app is part of some org where you are granted >=TeamMember access; not true here.

framework that is included is referenced to a location that doesn't exist on my computer

Just build AssimpKit-iOS target; then you will have the framework in the expected location.

The solution to the second issue is to use carthage

For the sample apps part of checked out AssimpKit source, carthage is really not required. Carthage should be used when you add AssimpKit as a dependency in some app outside of AssimpKit sources.

Nevertheless, thanks for reporting this and I will update the docs so they are less ambiguous.

kylebme commented 6 years ago

Ok gotcha. That worked. Here's the steps for anyone confused. Open up AssimpKit.xcworkspace, click on Library and change the signing team, build the AssimpKit-iOS target, click on iOS-Example and change the signing team, then build/run the iOS-Example target.

JTray123 commented 6 years ago


When I try and build the example ios project from within the workspace I get

AssimpKit/PostProcessingFlags.h' file not found.

Should the examples work once I build AssimKit-IOS and build run IOS-Example. Do I need to do anything else to get the sample examples up and going? I get no errors when I build AssimKit-IOS if thats is of any help